Chapter 47

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"I'm not good with the wild." Dex stated as he, Fitz, Keefe and Tam were looking about for the perfect place to set up their tents.
"The outdoors is nice though." Fitz said, looking at Dex who seemed to be disgusted by the bugs and insects.
"Only thing I don't like is that I look horrible in the mornings and Tam told me to not bring my hair products." Keefe grumbled.
"Keefe, we needed to pack the important things." Tam stated.
"And my hair is very important!" Keefe exclaimed, looking back at Tam.

"This double date, camping, was a terrible idea." Dex frowned.
"I mean, we couldn't have like... I dunno, went to a restaurant or something?"
"Restaurant's are boring." Keefe said.
"I mean, I can't be as goofy as I want because apparently it makes other customers disturbed. Like, okay, sure."
Tam sighed as he shook his head.
"Dex, it's better that we're camping." Tam said, looking at the Technopath.
"Keefe would get us kicked out of every place and get us banned. Nature is our safest bet."
Dex grumbled, making noises of discomfort as he held onto his cape, holding it tight around him.

Fitz looked at Dex.
"I didn't know you didn't like the outdoors." Fitz said.
"There's insects here!" Dex exclaimed.
"And ugh, nothing should have so many legs or eyes or eugh!"
Fitz laughed at his boyfriend and Dex grumbled.
"Y'know, I thought Fitz would be more freaked out by the insects." Tam said, looking at Fitz.
"Huh?" Fitz and Keefe looked at Tam in confusion.
Tam was a little surprised by how they both reacted.
"I mean... Fitz is like always looking so proper and fancy, so I never thought of him as an outdoorsy person." Tam shrugged.
"Tam, Fitz grew up with me." Keefe stated.
"We were always outdoors and when he'd get back home, man his parents were pissed with how dirty he got!"
Tam raised his eyebrows at Fitz and Dex even seemed to be surprised.
"Woah, seriously? And I always thought you were perfect." Dex said, looking at Fitz.
"Nobody's perfect." Fitz shrugged.

"Anyways, Tam, you don't mind the outdoors?"
Fitz looked at Tam.
Tam shrugged.
"I don't I guess. I mean, Linh and I spent a lot of our time outdoors in Exillium so..." Tam said.

Keefe looked at everyone and he expected someone to ask about him.
"Nobody care about me?" Keefe asked.
"Eh, you seem outdoorsy." Dex shrugged at Keefe.
Keefe frowned slightly.
"Yeah, sweetheart, no offense but you seem like you ate worms as a kid." Tam said, gently rubbing Keefe's shoulder.
"Oh, close, he ate a lot of flies. I'm convinced Gisela gave him some sort of features of a frog when she was experimenting on him." Fitz said.
"Fitz!" Keefe scowled, looking at Fitz.
Tam raised his eyebrows and laughed.
"Oh god, that's just cruel Fitz." Tam said.
"Yeah, Fitz, say sorry to Keefe!" Dex exclaimed.

"Huh? Oh look! There's a perfect spot over there to set up our tents!"
"Fitzy-poo! You're so mean to me!"


The tents were set up. The sun was just setting and the four boys were sat outside.
Tam was making a fire as Keefe, Fitz and Dex watched him. 
"Did you remember to bring those weird white puffy things?" Keefe asked, looking at Dex.
Dex raised his eyebrows. "You mean...the marshmallows?" 
"Yeah!" Keefe nodded.
"Marshmallows? When did you guys get human foods again?" Fitz asked, looking between the two.
"Uh...A few days ago." Keefe smiled innocently at Fitz.
"Keefe, how many times do I have to tell you to quit light-leaping to the Forbidden Cities and taking Dex with you?!" Tam scowled, glancing behind him at his boyfriend.
"I'm sorry~!" Keefe looked at Tam, blowing a kiss towards him.
Tam scoffed and rolled his eyes as he continued to make the fire.

Tam started the fire and he added some more sticks into the small fire, slowly building it up and giving it more fuel. Dex was just getting out the packet of marshmallows and some wooden sticks that they could stick the marshmallows on.
"It's getting closer to Mid-terms again." Dex said as Keefe had snatched the packet of marshmallows and opened them.
Dex handed Keefe a stick and Keefe began to impale a couple of marshmallows on the stick as Dex handed Fitz a stick too.
"Yeah, and Tam needs to sit his exam to see if he qualifies for the Elite levels too..." Fitz stated, looking at Tam as Keefe quickly went over to him, holding the marshmallows on the stick over the fire.
"Eugh, stop it. I'm already feeling queasy just thinking about it." Tam stated, looking back at the other couple.

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