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Y/N joined the rest of the host club the next morning, tensions were high, this was the last day they all would be a host.

"I wonder what happened to Tama-Chan." Honey said looking around at the members.

"I can shake his actions yesterday.." Hikaru said, everyone went quiet for a moment.

"Come on. Don't be saying useless things now. Our guests have been waiting." Kyoya said trying to life morale.

"You're pretty calm, Kyouya-senpai."
Kaoru said looking almost annoyed.

"To serve these guests, who have been looking forward to the Host Club, with our best is the most important thing for us right now." Kyoya said writing something in his book.

"You're right Kao-Chan!" Honey said before tackling the twins with Mori.

"Y/N would you like to come with my to give Haruhi the good news?" Kyoya asked Y/N with a smile.

"Oh? Yeah sure.." Y/N gave back a small smile.

"Haruhi, thank you for your hard work.." Y/N said giving a small bow.

"Huh? Y/N what are you talking about?" Haruhi looked to Kyoya for some sense.

"With this last designation from Lady Eclair, you have met your quota. The debt you owed from breaking the Rene vase has been paid off." He said closing his notebook

"You don't have to host anymore.." Y/N smiling at Haruhi, 'it's not like I could anyways..' she mumbled under her breath before Y/N and Kyoya turned around to find Yoshio and his secretary.

"Although you may hold the misconception that you have all the time you want when you are young, reality isn't always like that. Stop wasting your time on worthless activities, and people." Yoshio said before quickly walking off.

Y/N took a breath, "Kyoya works hard you know! I understand that you have two older sons and that's all you need, but maybe pay attention to him once in awhile.." Y/N said slowly going quieter with each word, Yoshio didn't turn around, only listened.

"At this Host Club... Kyouya-senpai works very hard so that everyone can be happy. By making everyone happy, we also feel accomplished and pleased inside. Is making everyone happy that worthless of an activity?
I think that Kyoya-senpai is very admirable." Haruhi spoke up with Y/N, Yoshio and his secretary walked away, muttering something.


"Why did you talk back to him?" Kyoya asked Y/N as they sat on the couch alone.

"What?" They asked confused.

"You shouldn't have talked back to him Y/N, he probably won't like you now" Kyoya said writing in his book, almost furiously.

"Did he like me in the first place?" Y/N a little edge to his voice, yet a calm smile.

"It doesn't matter what's in the present, he could have in the future." Kyoya let out nervously.

Ash titled their head a bit and looked at Kyoya, "the present doesn't matter?" Y/N asked him, "how are you going to live like that?"

Over Him - Trans FTM Reader X Kyoya Ootori  Where stories live. Discover now