Chapter 8: Clash at the Kongo

Start from the beginning

"They aren't free??"

Mario educates his friend. "The fruits may be free on your island, but this works different."

"The old one let me get them free..."

"He played favorites." Luigi mumbles, as they move along.

Later on, they start going in circles only getting higher. They pass through tunnels, and the Doctor's just flabbergasted. "Why hasn't our kingdom invested in a system like this? The Toads would have a field day with this."

Mario turns around. "Most of them walk everywhere."

"It could make plenty of coins as an attraction."

"Do you have a business background I don't know about??"

"Eyes on the road!" Luigi shouts, and his older brother swerves another loose banana! "Phew..."

The path eventually comes to its end though, as a temple is seen with that same face on it. There's a rectangle beneath it. They come to a ramp, as everyone gets ready for takeoff! The poor doctor has no clue what's to come.

"Why are we speeding up??"

"Gadd knows we have gliders, just trust him." Luigi vouches.

" want me to trust HIM?"

The ramp is inevitable, and the Doc has no choice but to speed up or plummet, so he closes his eyes and hits the gas...the karts sour in the air, straight for the golden face. Everyone's gliders come out, as they sour towards that rectangles opening.

All except Doc, who's glider malfunctions! "You serious??!" He's behind everyone, so his giant pill starts to make its plummet. Doc opens his door, and decides to make a leap of faith! He reaches his hand out...

Suddenly, a smaller chimp comes barreling through (no pun intended), with a pack on his back! He takes the doc's hand and redirects him back to his people.

Inside, the rest of his friends are waiting. Mario rushes towards the edge and looks see Diddy Kong holding his cousin. "Heya Mario!"

"Diddy, what's up?!"

"It's been months man! Uncle K still wants his rematch you know!"

"Hoho..hasn't changed much, has he?"

The Doctor cuts this short. "Cool reunion, but can we get inside??"

Sanity slippage hits different.

The Throne Room

The crew enter with Diddy. The first thing to pop out are sculptures of past kongs, some hidden in the shadows of the room. Darker ones like Ninja Kong, and more elders along the way. The history of the kongs is a rich one, but one to be uncovered on a later date.

"Wow..I only one of them." The Doc receives a glare from the princess.

"Show some respect."

He's needs to, cause a group of kongs in silver armor, stand next to those statues, axes in hand. A Ray of sun from the outside onto the throne itself...a rocking chair. On it, is the king of the kongs himself.

"Don't be shy, come in."

Cranky. That white beard grows larger each passing day. He's got that crown on his head, and the same attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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