"Momma what was that weird teen girl fangiggling?" He asked his mother shush him off ,annoyed by his questions

"But, hibi can you promise me that you would be the best soulmate to your mates ?" She asked ,

"Yes captain I accept your order of being the best soul mate in the world !!'

He answered in his manly crewmate time which only made his mother chuckle and kiss his head lovingly .

"Aren't I sweet momma"  he asked out of the blue
  He mother replied " yes kid you are my sweet boy !- He cut her off with a " mom then please don't tell papa that I by accident broke his favourite vase "

His mother in utter shock replied " sweet you sure are ! Sweet enough to break his vase ...! " you are really getting naughty !!!" She yelled

He ran before she could chase him "you little brat come here !!" She yelled he giggled and ran more rapidly ......

The mother and son duo spent that day peacefully like this ...


--Third person 's (POV) --

The sun shined bright , it was a new day fulling be fit and bright with , beautiful birds chirping their melodious voice in the early hours , is such pure bliss .

"Hibiki ! Wake up now you sloth how long would you still drool on your bed !" Yelled an elder male , " niiiisan---just two more minutes please -" he responded ! Until moments and whack!!!!a hit of hand  Was placed on his brainless head ...

He fell out of the bed astonished .. " soutaaaa niiiii " - he screamed as he fell ,Out of the bed which resulted in an another whack on his head " no wonder mom named you hibiki cause all you do is scream like an idiot !"
      " Then  I have the audacity to say the your name was souta cuz you! Always barge in suddenly no wonder mom named you that ! " hahaha he laughed until another whack was on his head , poor boy had to hurt his head constantly

" enough now get up aunt cooked us breakfast come and eat , or else you gonna be late for the shopping and departure "

"What departure ?,ni -san he questioned , sighing with defeat the older male opened his mouth " you have to go to the sakamaki mansion remember , it's time you be on your own kid , you wanted it remember ..

Adapting silence for a moment he replied " ah yes , the promise I have made to momma , to find my mates .., times sure flies soon right nii? . "Sure does , you did grow to be an 17 year old idiot after all , now get yo ass up and bath ! You stink the  stech of a dancing  fish , Darling brother " remarked souta sarcastically .

Hibiki nodded and left to bath he stripped himself and entered the hot shower sighing " just when did you start hurting that I've grown so eager to sooth your pain dear mate ?" He thought to himself

After bathing he dressed himself up with a causal white full sleeved shirt with a grey sweater on top and some blue jeans to go with .

Off he went to eat his break fast and then to pack his bags it was noon before he knew

-------------------------   noon --------------------------
"The taxi has arrived Hibi!" Yelled souta , packing his bags and ready to leave, he turned to souta who patted his head and said "don't worry bout me , you should head on, I'll be fine and I'll always be there for you when you need me kay? " replied his older brother gazing at the boy worried.

Hugging his brother a final goodbye he left gazing at the sky towards his destiny as to be referred by him .

"Take care for yourself and your mates hibiki.. I and mom, dad or anyone would not want you to have any harm this is for the best .. at some point it was your decision to leave "

Souta muttered , as he watched his little brother leave . He only prayed for his brother's well being , since the route now he was on needed a lot of courage to face ahead ..

Else where --------

The calm noon , soon began to turn into a rainy disaster as Hibiki only found himself , running towards a certain mansion , the taxi broke down , god knows how , the worst ..it broke down in a place where no vehicle seemed to roam , no fixing taxi , no ride = waste of time, to which Hibiki apparently didn't not like so he payed the taxi guy and and began to walk to where he was sure his destination was close , the most stupidest thing of the day  which he encountered was the heavy rain that seems like it had would never stop , having no shelther he made a run for it ! Soaking wet and running in the rain until he reached the mansion he was searching for .

"God I'm soaked freaking wet " he muttered as he cleaned himself with a cloth from his bag , he looked at the mansion and gasped , his heart was racing at speed inhumane, the mansion looked wide , big hella like a place he always longed for , he felt as if the flames of  yearning of years had finally come to a rest , looking at the mansion he entered the gate and slowly started walking towards the main entrance of the certain residence .

With every step he took the more he found his heart racing more faster , until he finally reached out to handle of the door twisting it open ....

Only then would he know what lies for him inside the place he found himself finding comfort at ........ .


"My mate ...! I can't wait to tell you how much you mean to me"

?????? ~

Ah ~ what is this Mark on your hand , it looks identical to mine , wait !!  Perhaps are you my .... Other half !


soulmate.. you say , I wonder such person really exists huh ? That to who is mine ...!?



~ Sarang

Fall-with-U {BY-sarangshii4600} A Diabolik lovers fictionWhere stories live. Discover now