27] The Plan

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Against his better judgment, Kaz made his way to the room next door and frowned when he only found Diena, standing over a table

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Against his better judgment, Kaz made his way to the room next door and frowned when he only found Diena, standing over a table. Her back was turned to him, and she must've thought she was alone because she reached over to take her shirt off. Kaz quickly turned around. He knocked on the wall. "Are you decent?" he asked.

Diena snorted, "Not morally. Come on in."

Kaz rolled his eyes and turned around again. This time Diena had no shirt on, only bandages wrapped around her torso, and even then Kaz could see the purple yellowed spots peeking out of them. "You said you were decent."

"No, I didn't," Diena replied. She peered over her shoulder with a smile, and noticed on Kaz's face who he was looking for. "Inej left already. She's been gathering intel on Pekka's assassin. Her bladesmith supplies him with bone-cutters and fillet knives he's clearly unhinged. My guess is Pekka brought him in to deal with my people as well."

"Where's Inej now?"

"She's gone to kill him," Diena shrugged, "I got her his address this morning. She didn't let me do it myself. Says she will be the one to make sure she wouldn't be dragged back to the Menagerie."

"I won't let that happen," Kaz found himself saying. Diena rose an eyebrow at him, as she fully turned to him, she could've guessed what Kaz felt about Inej but he wasn't about to admit it to her

"As much as you'd like to think of yourself as omnipotent, Kaz, you're not." She shook her head. "We were ambushed. Inej is right, you are gambling with our lives and we deserve to know the reason."

"Whatever happened to waiting?" questioned Kaz, and Diena rolled her eyes.

"I'm not particularly patient, Kaz." She sighed and turned back to the table, opening a little metal pot that sat there. She dipped her fingers inside and started applying a green paste to the bruises on the side of her stomach.

"Pekka Rollins killed my brother."

Diena turned to face him, pity was on the list of emotions he thought that Diena would feel, he didn't need her pity or her sympathy, even though those weren't emotions that Diena showed often. But the look on Diena's face was one of understanding, of resolution. She nodded. "I know...we'll destroy him. For Jordie, for the Snakes, for everyone."

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