The Lord: Just a character in a story

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Ranboo sighed inwardly as he stripped off his Lord's dress and carefully placed it onto the bed. Techno examined his scar-littered body as Ranboo combed his hair, attempting to regain a sense of some control in his 'life' since he was permitted to style it however he wished. Ranboo despised being a butler, a mere servant. But nonetheless, it was the role he had to play in order to get a chance to taste the delectable soul that resided in his master -Techno-'s body.

A knock on the door alerted him and Ranbo quickly put on Techno's garments, assuring the pink-haired male's dress was free of unnecessary wrinkles. He opened the door to find Phantomhive's butler standing there, "Dinner is ready to be served, 'Lady' Blade, Ranboo. Lady Sullivan requests that everyone join for dinner." Ranboo nodded and followed Sebastian and Techno as he led him into the dining hall.

"Maultaschen and Wurst soup. Eisbein made of Ham Hock." Sebastian announced as the food was placed on the table. Techno zoned out as Sullivan and the others conversed about what a wonderful dinner it was. As Techno was just about to bite into the soft, fluffy bread, the dining door slammed open, and the villager woman from before -Hilde- ran in, ["Herr Wolfram, it's terrible!"]

Wolfram and the others turned to look at her, surprised by this sudden outburst. ["What is it, Hilde?"] ["The..."] Hilde stuttered, ["The wolfman had come!!!!"]


["She's been badly hurt! Master Sullivan, please come!"] Hilde begged. Sullivan nodded and set off, ["Wolf, hurry!"] Wolfram carried Sullivan out the door. ["You wait here."] Wolfram said.

["No. Please let us come too. We would like to learn the dangers associated with this forest."] Techno interjected.

Wolfram sighed and obliged.


Technoblade sighed as he recounted the events that had passed. We're being accused as the reason for this so-called "Werewolf's" hostility. How petty of them. Nonetheless, I sense something is up in this village. The so-called curse may as well be a ploy. A cover-up for something more sinister.

He sighed once more, his butler combing his hair into a neat ponytail. He looked in the mirror as a pair of red eyes stared back at him. He traced the scar that ran across his cheek. Then his finger trailed to his neck, where Ranboo had placed the contract mark.

The smell of blood hit his nose and he sat up from his bed, alarmed. Throwing his dark red cloak over himself, Technoblade immediately made his way to Phantomhive's room. "I see you've made it before I have, butler," Techno said, seeing Ranboo waiting patiently for him. Techno signaled for him to open the door of Phantomhive's room.

"Sebastian, what's the matter?" Techno whispered, seeing as Ciel was curled up, shaking the blankets. "The young master has been hurt after we encountered the werewolf," Sebastian replied. "It seems as if the young master won't even accept my help. He will only permit the touch of a child." 'So that explains why that Phantomhive gardener is keeping Phantomhive close.' Techno thought. "Let us step outside in order to not bother the young master, shall we?" Sebastian suggested, opening the door. Techno nodded and left with Ranboo close behind.

Techno, Ranboo, and Sebastian listened as Sullivan explained, ["The Miasma got into his eye. Miasma is the thing of pure evil that the werewolves emit. Humans that are cursed will become grotesque monsters themselves. The only thing that can purify is the secret medicine made by the Green Witch, myself."] Sebastian nodded, ["I see..."]

[That's why I told you not to go into the forest!!!!'] Wolfram exclaimed, ["I told you time and time again why did you go?!!!] He grabbed Sebastian's collar, ['THE WEREWOLVES DON'T WANT TO RANDOMLY HURT PEOPLE!!!!!!" Why can't you understand that??!!]

Techno sighed as he signaled Ranboo to give him his earmuffs. As he placed his earmuffs over his ears he thought, 'His voice is annoying....' Techno watched the scene with interest now that his ears were properly protected.

The drama and commotion concluded with Sullivan requesting Sebastian to be her butler until the Phantomhive child was healed.

"Man... my pencil broke... I need to get a new one." A sharpening of a pencil could be heard as this mysterious figure sighed, exasperated. "How troublesome... having to record all of this down. Well, if I want to save humanity itself, I must continue plowing out this... 'story'. What a tragedy indeed it is to see the young master treated this way... but nonetheless, he did commit a crime of identity theft. Quite similar to the Phantomhive child's situation. Although this one is a tad bit more... devastating." A knock on the door stopped the figure's muttering as he asked, "What is it?" "The portal is prepared, sir." "Very well..." The figure shut the book and placed the pencil on top. His light green eyes lingered on the book longingly as if he wished to continue writing. The male sighed and pulled his purple hoodie over his brown hair. He rolled down his multi-colored sleeves and sighed once more. "I will get back to you later..." He left the room.

As the door closed shut, wisps of black formed near the book. Two mysterious figures who'd seemed to appear out of thin air opened the book to examine its contents. "Interesting... are you seeing what I'm seeing, little brother~?" The cloaked figure asked. The male with dirty blonde hair nodded his face an expression of amusement. "This gentleman... recorded all of the previous historical events with accuracy. It is as if... he's been there in person. However, the one thing that intrigues me is he chose to record only certain events. And the main characters -the ones who contributed the most to these tragic events- are all quite... similar. Take Sir Billard and the so-called Blood god. Although from different eras, their personalities are similar. Though the 'Blood god' is more... soft... for those in a lower status than Sir Billard." The masked man noted, still flipping through the pages of the book. Sounds of footsteps alerted the two gentlemen and they disappeared just in time before the door swung open. The male prior to the two stranger's visit stared at the seemingly empty room, "I swear I heard people in here. Nothing seems to be touched, however. Everything is as it once was. I must be getting paranoid." The male sighed and left. In the far corner lay a mask which was dropped in haste as the two figures quickly made their escape. The smiling mask shone under the glint of the moonlight, waiting for someone to pick it off the marble ground.

I apologize for the wait!

I just recently picked up the Black Butler manga and started re-reading it! It took awhile to finally arrive at the "Cursed Forest" arc!

Thank you for your patience!

Re-reading this chapter I have come to wonder...

Who are the three mysterious figures?

I, for one, am only a "simple" recorder of "events."

I wouldn't know their identities... or would I?

Dun dunnn DUNNNNNNN-

Okay that's enough I suppose- i think I'm forget something...

Oh right! The question of the week!

What member of the DSMP would you like to see appear in this crossover?

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night wherever you are!


Ps I'm hiding from Kusuo right now... I may or may not have stole his account.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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