The Lord: Cross Dressing

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["I am Sieglinde Sullivan. Liege of this forest."]

'This child... is the liege lord???'

You might be confused as to who, or what, Ciel Phantomhive is thinking about. You may also wonder, "What arc does this story start with?" Well answering the latter is quite simple enough. This story starts with the Forest Curse arc in which Ciel Phantomhive -accompanied by his butler and his servant- journey to Germany by the order of the Queen to investigate a series of deaths caused by the so-called curse. As for the question prior, well, that might be a long story. Settle in and prepare your drinks if you must.

Let us begin, with a flashback...


"Welcome, Earl Phantomhive. We have been awaiting your arrival."

The blue-haired child observed the dual-eyed butler with great interest. 'I've never seen such a... unnatural eye color before. It is as the rumors say, this lord is quite peculiar indeed. Although I'm not any better.'

The dual-eyed butler gazed into Phantomhive's ocean-blue eyes. He found it quite... peculiar. The shade of blue seemed to have the power to transport whoever gazed upon it into a trance due to its beauty.

"You are...?" Phantomhive asked. The butler exited his thoughts and bowed, "Apologies for my incompetence. I seem to have forgot my manners. I am Ranboo, butler of the Blade residence. This way, Earl Phantomhive. Lord Blade has been waiting for your arrival." Ranboo gestured to Phantomhive to follow him as he led him to Blade.


The sound of knocking startled the pink-haired male as he looked up from his book. "Earl Phantomhive has arrived, my lord." A muffled voice announced. The male quickly smoothed out the ruffles in his dark-red cloak and ran his hands through his pink hair, making sure that it wasn't all over the place. "Come in." The male instructed whilst making sure his glasses sat properly. The big oak door opened, revealing the speaker -the butler, Ranboo- and Earl Phantomhive, accompanied by his own butler.

The Earl and his butler stepped into the Blade's office. Slightly shaking his head, Blade signaled to Ranboo, instructing him to stay. Ranboo bowed, then closed the door once the Earl and his butler had settled into the room. "To what do I owe the pleasure for you to come and visit my residence, Earl Phantomhive?" Blade asked. He signaled for Ranboo to bring in the tea and the sweets. "You have heard of the so-called curse in Germany, I assume, Lord Blade?" Phantomhive inquired as Ranboo set down a tray of tea and sweets. Ranboo placed the cup of tea onto the table, one for Phantomhive and one for Blade.

Blade sipped the tea and replied, "Indeed I have. What business has that to do in requesting a meeting with I, who is just a lowly noble compared to you, the Queen's watchdog?" Blade questioned, gesturing to Phantomhive to have a drink. Phantomhive took a sip and immediately was impressed by the quality of the tea which was in the cup he held, "I have heard from the Queen that you, and your servants, are well versed in the language, or was the Queen's assumption wrong?"

Blade chuckled, "The Queen is never wrong, Earl Phantomhive. Indeed, the Blade family is well versed in the German language. What of it?" Phantomhive placed the cup of tea down, "I am requesting a favor of you. Will you accompany me to Germany in order to solve this peculiar case the Queen as set me to solve." Blade stared, a slight sign of astonishment could be noted on his face, "Well... I am not sure if I will be of any use to you, Earl Phantomhive." Phantomhive just chuckled, "You were recommended by the Queen herself as the man most fit to accompany me on this journey." Blade furrowed his eyebrows in surprise. "Now, I ask you again," Phantomhive continued, "Will you, Lord Techno Blade, accompany me to Germany?" Blade immediately composed himself internally, "Indeed I will, Earl Phantomhive."

"The Lord... is not who he says he is." (black butler x dsmp)Where stories live. Discover now