I did some touch-ups. After that, I checked the time. It was 6:45 pm.

Sunghoon is about to come.

I grabbed my purse and went downstairs, waiting for Sunghoon.

After like 5 minutes, I heard a car parking in front of my house.

I guess it's Sunghoon's.

He rang the bell and I opened the door.

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

I buried my head in his neck, sniffing the perfume. It's the same perfume I bought for him.


"You look so beautiful" Sunghoon said, making me blush. "Thank you, you look so handsome too", I said.

He really looks so unreal and so handsome. Any girl can fall in love with him at first sight. He looks like the boy every girl wants.

"Let's go" Sunghoon said, holding my hand like a gentleman. I nodded, smiling.

[ time skip ]

We went to a fancy restaurant.

We ordered our food and went towards our table.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked Sunghoon while we were sitting at our table. "No, why?" Sunghoon asked back. "Well, you know you are so handsome and you are a gentleman too, like you are everything a girl wants....so...." I said, looking away.

He giggled a bit.

"Don't you want me then?" he said. I looked at him. "huh?"  "Yes you said I'm everything a girl wants, then you are also a girl, don't you want me?" Sunghoon said again. "ah..well we both are friends and I know you don't like me so..." I said poking my index fingers.

"Who said I don't like you?" He said, raising one eyebrow. "Huh?...Well...I see you as a friend too..." I said. "Can't you see more than a friend?" Sunghoon said looking at me. "huh?" My heart is pounding crazily.

Thank god, the waiter came bringing our food.

We both thanked him.

We eat our food without saying anything.

"What you want to do next?" Sunghoon asked, breaking the silence. "umm can we go for a beach walk?" I suggest. "Sure" he said, smiling.

[ Time skip ]

We finished our food chatting about random things.

"Let's go to the beach" Sunghoon said, holding my hand. I smiled at him.

We went to the beach. It's dark now.

It's so pretty. The way the moon's light is floating in the sea layers.

And the stars, they are so beautiful.

But especially the moon. I always love staring at the moon and admiring him.

"The moon is pretty isn't it?" Sunghoon said, looking at me. "Yeah it is", I said, smiling peacefully. It's my most favourite thing to do. We walked around the beach watching how the layers melt in the moon's light.

We talked about our past and funny things we did in our lives. It was so good.

We were laughing at each other's jokes and silly things that happened to us.

I looked at Sunghoon. The way the moonlight kissed his face. His face is literally glowing like the moon right now. He looked like an angel that came from the sky.

The way he laughs, the way he giggles. His voice always gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. The way his eyes shines like a pearl when he finds something amazing.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes" Sunghoon said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What eyes?" I looked at him confused. "Like, you would eat me alive" he said, laughing. "Hey! I am not looking at you like that" I said, looking away.

"Hahah ok ok, look at me" Sunghoon said grabbing my chin and made me look at him. He bent down. Our faces are on the same level.

"So beautiful" Sunghoon whispered, looking at my face, caressing my chin with his thumb. "Stop with these flirting, my cheeks are already burning" I said. He laughed at me.

"you are so cute when you are shy" Sunghoon said. Wipping off his imaginary tears. I glared at him.

He always gives me the feeling. I can't explain it. It's like I feel so comfortable around him. I like everything he says about me it's give my butterflies and when he calls me beautiful, my heart pounded like so crazy. When he touches me, I don't want him to let me go.

The way my cheeks start burning when he comes closer to me. The way he smiles it's always makes me forget about all the tension.

He is like an escape place for me. When I am with him, I don't think about anything else. Just admiring him makes me smile.

His silly jokes always make me laugh.

It's my first time experiencing these feelings.


I think

I'm falling for you.

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