1 - A World Without You

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This is on Cybertron, not Earth

Hot Rod's POV

I sighed as I laid down on the ground, looking up at all the buildings. I miss him.. I thought, watching the sky slowly shift and collide.

I had a chance to tell him.. and I blew it.. I thought, grief forming inside of me.

"Hello, Hot Rod!"

"EAH—" I screamed, getting up almost immediately with my blasters replacing my servos. "Oh, Grimlock. Hey." I sighed in relief, switching my blasters back into my servos. "Sorry I scared you." Grimlock chuckled.
"Hah.. it's alright." I said, lying back down into the position I was in before.

"Hey.. Could you—Could you leave me alone right now? Sorry if that sounded rude—I just want some time alone." I said, my optics closing. "Oh, yes, of course. Sorry for interfering!" He transformed into his dino-bot form and left.

I sighed, slowly feeling myself slip into a light recharge.

"What..?" I mutter, looking around in a white, fluffy place.

"Hot Rod."

"S..Soundwave?!" I yelled, running over to him and hugging him tightly.

"Hello." He chuckled, hugging back. "Listen; I want you to stay put. I will, by all means, come back. Just give me some time and wait." He said, kissing me on the cheek.

My optics widened. "WHAT—?!" I was flushed like heck. "I—I—I—I—" Soundwave put one of his digits on my intake. "Shhh. You don't have to say anything. Just wait."

I take his servo off of me. "Soundwave—You don't know how much it hurts to not be with you—Please.." "It's alright. I love you. ❤️" He then put his dermas against mine, and I flushed.

I wake up, optics widened.

I love you too. I thought, smiling.

Sorry for making this so short.. writer's block has been getting to me. But the next chapter is longer, with a bit of fluff too!

✅Superior // HOT ROD X SOUNDWAVE // CYBERVERSE AU✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora