𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐4: 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠

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"Evan, Evan come on wake up!" I feel someone push my shoulder repeatedly, and I open my eyes and am met with the dazzling brown eyes of Jason Dean. I sit up, and find myself lying on an ambulance seat, enveloped by an all too familiar black trench coat, with a - presumable - shit stain at the back. "Where am I?" I say groggily, and rub my eyes, "it feels as though I've been asleep for months, from like June till October...". Jd lets out a rancid giggle, and then says "it's been 45 minutes, and we're at the police station, they want to take our statements, but they saw you were asleep and let you snooze for a little longer". I sigh, and then remember the absolutely horrific situation I was in. "I take it they want me in there now?" Jd nods, before grabbing my paw, and dragging me away from his trenchcoat.

I shy away at the vile stench of the coat for a second, before he placed it back on his skinny body and walked towards the door. He paused for a second when he noticed I wasn't moving and gestured for me to move along, with a tense expression on his greasy face- he really needed to invest in skin care.
We walked towards the door and entered in. Jason pulled the seat infront of the empty desk out and pointed at it, letting me know that I am to sit on it. "Come on, move your wiggly bum into the chair sugar bunny bear", JD said to my red face. I sat down and waited for officer Dewey to enter, which took a suspiciously long time."Do you reckon he's having a wank, I mean surely he's getting something with his recognised status", I muttered with a little giggle under my breath, "Maybe the work is yanking on his chain..huh..Why do you look so awkward right now?"I heard foot steps and a door closing behind me, accompanied with the sound of a zipper being pulled up and a belt being buckled. "Um... he's right behind me isn't he!", I said with a finger pointed in the air and a nervous grin- the sweat seeping down my blue striped shirt that I haven't changed in days.

Jd grumbles like an old man, and stalks off. "Well, uh, Hello Mr Hansen" Dewey bumbles with a blush adorning his cheeks, and I can tell by the stutter that he most definitely was beating his meat. "Hello Sir" I say, shuffling uncomfortably in my seat. "So, I know this will be hard especially after the rather recent events, but could you tell me what exactly happened?" he says, taking a seat across the messy desk from me. Upon the desk there was a multitude of mugs, one of which read 'New York's finest', which concerned me because New York was definitely not anywhere near California border-wise. The mug contained what appeared to be a cup of coffee, expect the milk and coffee was separating and a white-sticky substance was floating around in the centre, decorated with flies that looked like sprinkles on this shit-coloured cake. As I continue my story, i can't help but get the impression i'm being watched, and I look to my left, and lock eyes with the man, the myth, the legend.

Billys pov

"Mr Loomis, you may take your one call now" the officer says, and I stand up, scoping the room out to see if my senpai was in proximity. Alas, he was not, and instead I saw that disgusting blonde with his unwashed hair and h&m jumper. Must have used that members 15% off voucher that was on for the last weekend. I sulk over to the phone and punch in the digits to the phone number of my gal pal, Stu Matcher. The tone rings for a while, and eventually it picks up. "Hello, who is this?" A voice says, and I mentally kill myself because it's the grating sound of Stu's mothers voice. "It's uh, Billy Loomis, I'd like to speak to Stu", "Oh ello Billy, hold on a minute" she says, and then screams "STEWART MATCHER GET DOWN HERE SOMEONES ON THE PHONE FOR YEW". I physically recoil at the sudden loud sound, and await Stu's response. A faint, "WHO IS IT?" can be heard from the background of the other line, "YOUR FRIEND, LILLY" "uh, my names Billy-" "MOM HIS NAME IS BILLY FOR THE LAST TIME". She inhales before screeching, "I DONT CARE GET DOWN HERE BEFORE I GET OLD AND DIE" "I WISH THAT WOULD HAPPEN BECAUSE LIVING HERE IS WHAT MR MALFOY DESCRIBES AS HELL". I awkwardly begin to play with the cable of the phone, and hear footsteps thunder down the staircase.

As I'm giggling and kicking my feet whilst waiting for my orgy buddy to pick up the phone, I'm interrupted by the aforementioned picking up the phone and (s)creaming "WHAT IS IT" in an agitated tone. "My omega, my mate,I'm in prison. The plan starts now.""My alpha, what's the plan again? I'm a little busy getting my meat beat right now- unlike you", I invisioned him having a goofy grin on his face whilst speaking this."Get her to leave then, we need to initiate plan 'Make Billy Loomis Look Innocent So No One Suspects Me" NOW"As if by magic, Tatum was heard running down the stairs and yelling claims that she had rehearsals for be more chill to get to. I felt a mischievous grin begin to form on my face, as Stu spoke into the phone again."So I'm going for the 16 year old? Jug and Zeds sibling Lin?"
"That's the one Omega, now go spread fear onto the likes of those residents of Woodsboro and-"I was rudely interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw a familiar sleeve of the same dirty green and blue jumper- do people really have no sense of hygiene here?"
Officer Jason said that your times up or whatever", he said and shoved the phone out of my hand and into the wall where it once was, followed shortly by him walking away."He better succeed or he'll be getting the spanking of a life time, that little omega"

Stu jumps the chicken wire fence, just barely missing his ghostface cloak getting caught on the fence. He adorns his mask, and then takes the crowbar from his long, high-heeled boot and begins to try jimmy the small window above open. Now, you may ask, what is happening? Well the 'Make Billy Loomis Look Innocent So No One Suspects Me' plan of course. Unbeknownst to the current inhabitants of the police station, but Billy had snipped the wire of the camera that looked upon where our current antagonist currently was positioned. Stu successfully gets the grate to fall off, leaving a small, precarious gap for him to slip through. "Time to see if all that wii sport finally paid off" he smirks, like Bruno. He jumps up, hands gripping onto the small gaps ledge like he was gripping the sheets after eating the most toe-curling packet of walkers baked cheese and onion crisps from the tescos meal deal. He grits his teeth so hard, that he would surely be scolded by his dentist in the appointment in weeks to come, as he pulls himself up. God, I'm really glad this leads to the toilets because after this I think my constipation after eating all those bread sticks is going to be dealt with he thinks, and slips his upper torso through the gap.
Okay, Stu, come on, clench those cheeks and pull that dumpy through he says, trying to do that shifting/manifestation bullshit, and affirm what is going to happen. He almost gets through, but his boots get caught on the gap, and he falls forwards, barely missing the open toilet bowl, and lands face first onto the disgusting germ-covered floor of the police station bathroom. He looks up, and sees his glorious, lady gaga-esque thigh high glossy high heel boots stuck in the gap, and then back down at his bare grippers.

He had a new mission right now, to get his boots back and return back to his menacing height of 6'9. The thought of the number made him giggle a little but he decided he mustn't be sidetracked by his possible height. He closed the lid of the toilet in the stall he landed in and climbed up to reclaim his property and hopefully hide his long, grotesque toenails. Due to the size of the boots, it took a lot of strength to retrieve his gripper covers but it was all worth the effort. He pulled them both out, causing him to tumble out of the stall like a cartoon character who's entire family has just been killed by a train crashing into the station.

As he regained his stance, he placed the glittery leather boots back on his wild dogs and began admiring himself in the dirty mirror of the bathroom. The hardened shart stains were impossible not to notice and the radioactive piss from the police officers working in the facility stained areas of the mirror yellow. Regardless of this, he admires his fit and pulled a few poses until he heard footsteps approaching the door to the toilets. He sprinted into one of the cubicles and locked the door, having to crouch down to avoid being seen immediately- that would have made his alpha mate very mad and he didn't want to be spanked again

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