Chapter12: Slow decisions

Start from the beginning

"Gemini???? What are you doing here?" Gemini who was currently rubbing his head in pain, instantly looked up to see Fourth with the same girl..

Gemini didn't say anything, just looked at them.. Fourth felt the unusual atmosphere and talked again,

Fourth: Oh meet my classmate Angel and Angel, this is-

Angel: I know him, Fourth.. Everyone knows the campus crush Gemini Norawit. He is also the same guy I am going on a date.

"WHAT" Both Gemini and Fourth said in a union. 

Angel: Yeah? P'Gemini.. Are you here to buy me flowers?

The girl said in a very excited tone.

Gemini who was recovering in shock quickly replied, "huh- oh yeah.."

Trying not to sound like he lied, Gemini stood up and held her hands,

"Well.. a pretty girl like you deserves flower like these, isn't it??" Gemini said in a rather flirty tone and it was working.. The girl blushed.

"But my surprise is ruined. How sad!!"

"The more sad part is that you are blocking all the customers from coming idiot."

Fourth's voice brought him back to reality....

Gemini in his mind-"SHIT! I ruined everything again.. and why the hell did I have a date? That too with Fourth's classmate. Everything is just going wronggg"

He just realized what happened and left her hands and gave Fourth an awkward smile..

Fourth just shook his head and brought a beautiful bouquet of lilies.

"I just thought that these lilies would be beautiful for your date.. What do you say?" 

Showing the bouquet to his customers, Fourth was speaking with smile while Gemini was just giving them a fake smile, nodding.

Angel: Oho- Fourth.. Let my date choose a flower for me..*playfully*

Gemini: Well.. the flowers are beautiful so I'll chose it.. 

Nodding, Fourth turned around to pack them while Gemini turned to have a talk with his date.

Gemini: Beautiful lady, why are you standing and making your legs hurt.. How about you go sit in a car and I shall bring it..*flirty tone*

Angela just blushed more with all the flirting and nodded, leaving them behind.

Gemini sighed in relied and turned back to see Fourth..

Fourth: Didn't know you had a date..

Gemini: Yeah- me too..*chuckle* How much?

Fourth: Wait.. don't tell me you didn't know her before I introduced you..

Gemini: Kind of?? I didn't knew I promised someone to go on a date..

Fourth: Well- maybe if you stopped betting on these useless stuff, you would remember..*rolling his eyes*

Gemini: Heyyy.. 

Fourth: Now shut up and enjoy your date*sarcastically*

Gemini: Fourth...*serious tone*

Hearing the serious tone from Gemini brought goosebumps all over his body..

Fourth: W-What?

Gemini took a deep breathe before looking straight into his eyes and talking in a very serious tone,

"I have something very important to talk with you.. Meet me at the basketball court tomorrow right after your classes and please forgive me.."

Fourth: Wait-

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