Chapter 11 (bonus) - Shine Again

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"Eww, please don't ever call me that again, ever. But yes, we are good, babe. Good luck Wony. Love you so much."

With her wife's blessing, it's time.


The next day, she wakes up with a killer hangover.

She's become very accustomed to these ever since she took up drinking again 8 months ago. Despite the killer headache and fatigue, she begins thinking about the potential for her own original record label. Think about it, who wouldn't want to be their own manager and also an artist and also just a normal joe? It's more freedom, too. She can pick her schedules and still get her hands dirty every now and then. With a bottle of Prime (or four) in hand, she begins considering her options.

She texts Sakura, fresh off a comeback, and asks her when she's free to meet up. After all this time, she's still the best vocalist she's ever known. Sakura says she's free to meet on the evening of the 24th. They meet up at Sakura's favorite Japanese place, a taste of home for her. Yujin's not the biggest fan of Japanese food, but she'll happily oblige this time if it means she'll get better too.

Sakura would not be too hard to convince, but it would take a lot of maneuvering on Yujin's part to fix all the logistical issues. Plus, there's the whole issue of how her current label would take it. Would they blackmail her into staying?

"Hey Kkura, it's been a while!" Yujin says while enveloping Sakura in a bear hug. "How's solo promotions?"

"Hey Yujin, uh, it's been fine. Nothing that I'm not used to, I guess. I just kinda miss doing it with you guys."

"You mean with Kazuha, right?"

"No, no, it's not that!" Except she's blushing furiously. "I just miss doing it with actual passionate people, my friends. Solo life is non-stop meetings with people who are just milking you for money, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love performing but that's basically the only thing keeping me going. You know what I mean when I say there's like a come down after performing?" Sakura asks.

"Yeah, you just feel like you wanna pass away at that moment?"

"That's worse as a soloist. I don't have any of you guys to lean on, to have fun with after that, It's just me, myself, and I. And alcohol, but all that does is remind me I'm alone." Sakura said, frowning.

"Have you been talking to Kazuha recently?"

"Yeah, we've been chatting. I still love her, you know? I think the many years we had together means part of me will never get over her completely. But if Yunjin and Chaewon can do it then I have faith in the two of us too."

"Have you been talking to those two a lot?"

"Eh, not really. They kind of shut everyone out to live the private life they wanted so many years ago. And I want to respect that, they've gone through a lot after all."

After all the backstory and small talk, Yujin thinks it's time to finally pull her trap card.

"Sakura, you know I hate Japanese food, right?"

"Come on Yuj, hate is a strong word. But yeah, not your cup of tea. It's kinda unlike you to not contest my restaurant choice this time around. What gives?"

"Yeah, I uh, have something I wanna ask you. You know I got fired from my job recently, right?"

"Mhm, what does that have to do with anything?"

"I've been itching to get back into music. It's an itch that is just begging to be scratched. I get what you mean about the whole lack of passion thing. That's why I want to invite you to work for me. I'm starting my own record label soon, free from all the scumbags and the bureaucracy and whatnot. I want you to be my first artist. Would you? Help out an old friend, pleeeaaaase?"

Memories - PurinzOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz