Chapter 3 - Learning

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Yunjin yanks her hood over her head as she stalks down the hotel hallway, annoyed at herself for not bringing anything to cover her face. She wonders how she could walk when her mind was spinning and her brain was pounding. She's astonished at how she could be so cruel to Chaewon and thinks about how they're falling apart — no, they already have and Yunjin just made it worse by running to Chaewon last night.

She feels her knees buckle and she almost falls over, luckily, she was able to lean on the wall. She knows she can't drive like this, let alone go home. So she grabs her phone from her back pocket, ignores the missed calls from her bandmates, and quickly dials Kazuha's number, fingers digging into her temple.

"Yunjin, where the hell are you?" Yunjin hears Kazuha sigh in relief.

"Zuha, I did something stupid," she says breathlessly.

"What? What do you mean?" Kazuha replies in a panicked tone. Yunjin shuts her eyes, doing her best not to puke on the floor of the Four Seasons.

"I just. Fuck. Pick me up, Zuha. Please. I can't drive like this."

"Jesus, Jen. Where are you?"

"At the Four Seasons." Yunjin answers, words slurring more than she liked. At the Four Seasons, where Chaewon is staying. At the Four Seasons, making things much worse than they already were.

"Four Seasons? What the hell are yo —" Kazuha stops, the realization hitting her square on the face. "—oh. Damn it. I'm on my way."


"This looks familiar." Kazuha notes when she arrives and sees Yunjin sitting on the floor, head between her arms. Her best friend looks up, eyes looking tired and bloodshot.

"Please don't be mean to me, I have a headache." Yunjin whines, lips on a pout.

"You wound me. I'm never mean." Kazuha chuckles, extending her hand. Yunjin gladly takes it, grateful for the arrival of support, and gets off the floor. She stumbles a little but thankfully Kazuha's holding her tight so she does not fall.

"Lies." Yunjin retorts, half-praying she won't vomit and half-praying Kazuha won't bring up the giant elephant in the room.

"So," Kazuha begins as they walk to the elevator and Yunjin kicks herself inwardly for jinxing it, "mind telling what the hell happened last night?"

"Nope." Yunjin says, voice firm and lips pursed.

Kazuha sighs, looking at Yunjin seriously before she presses the G on the elevator, "Yunjin."

Yunjin rolls her eyes and instantly regrets it because it made her feel woozy even more, relenting. She knows she doesn't stand a chance at lying to Kazuha because based on last night's events, apparently she's a terrible liar.

"Fine," she sighs, "I slept with Chaewon."

Kazuha pinches the bridge of her nose, "Yunjin, oh my god."

"I called her and when I got here, it, uh, it just happened. I don't know what came over me," she says. This makes Kazuha shoot her an incredulous look before they're interrupted by the ding of the elevator arriving.

"What do you mean it just happened. You called her, you drove here. That doesn't just happen, Yunjin. You deliberately decided to make things worse." Kazuha hisses, frustrated.

"I know, Kazuha. I am well aware of how much I fucked up, okay? I don't need you rubbing it in my face even more." Yunjin fires back sharply, tears forming in her eyes.

Kazuha shakes her head and doesn't speak, she looks away from Yunjin and stares at their reflection on the shiny elevator doors. The pink haired girl beside her shuts her eyes and breathes in and out.

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