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The meeting had been in progress for one hour.

The main objective was clear: to discuss the renovation of Rathod Industries' older hotels, beginning with the one near Lake Pichola in Udaipur. This particular hotel held special historical significance, having been built during the reign of Adwait's father, Aryamaan, who was both the king and the CEO of the company back then.

Throughout the meeting, Adwait, had remained quiet only  occasionally glance at Adhira, a noticeable presence in the room. Adhira could feel his gaze on her from time to time, which made her slightly uneasy yet flattered.

"Any ideas on how to begin?" Om asked.

Om was known for encouraging everyone to have equal opportunities to present their ideas. However, the atmosphere in the room was palpably tense. People hesitated to speak, as the reputation of Adwait, known as both the King and the rumored ruthless CEO, made them uneasy.

Seeing the silence, Om decided to break the ice. "Adhira, what about you?" 

Everyone's attention turned towards her, and she suddenly became self-conscious, her cheeks blushing slightly. Even Adwait's eyes were on her, and the intensity of his gaze further flustered her.

Adhira took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure, and finally spoke up. "I think for a modern touch, we can lean towards the open concept." As she shared her idea, she accidentally made eye contact with Adwait, who asked, holding her gaze, "Can you elaborate?" 

Adhira nodded with determination, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ears as she got up. She was acutely aware of the collective gaze on her as she made her way to the front of the room. On the board were various photos of the hotel and blueprints.

She began explaining her idea by gently tapping her nails on the photos. "Of course, I'll need to visit the hotel in person to get a better feel for it. But as a starting point, we could tear down these walls at the entrance and create an open lobby. We might consider incorporating some vintage furniture to maintain the hotel's royal charm while introducing modern touches through color schemes."

Adhira's head was slightly tilted as she continued to survey the images, her confidence growing with every word. "We'll definitely need to visit the location and explore the surroundings to understand the vibe better."

When Adhira finished, she turned her gaze to the room. There was a proud glint in Om's eyes, and the rest of the attendees seemed to be nodding in agreement. Adwait finally spoke up, acknowledging her contribution. "I like that idea," he said.

Om chimed in, showing his support, "Yes, me too. With that approach, more people will enjoy staying here. When will be a good time to go see the the hotel?" Adhira's idea had clearly made a positive impact on the meeting.

"I have meetings all day tomorrow. Friday will the most convenient time for me"said Adwait just as Adhira sat back down on her seat.

"Alright Friday sounds good,"confirmed Om before dismissing everyone."I will be letting you all know the details of Friday tomorrow. I don't think all of you need to be there , since I know there are other projects you are working on."

Adhira stood up from her seat and began to follo the trail of  people out the door before Om stopped her.

"Priya you can go down first."Adhira handed her the tab and her files. "Can you please place this on my table?"

"ofcourse , i'll see you in a bit."

Adhira turned to look at the three men in the room.  Adwait 's assistant seemed to be taking notes throughout the meeting.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant