"I'm sorry you experienced that. Are you open to having more kids now?" Takecia asked Ydalis.

Ydalis nods.

"I'm open to it but I have PCOS and I struggled to get pregnant with Yesenia so I don't know if I'll ever get to have another one," Ydalis answered.

Ydalis was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome when she was sixteen years old. At the time, she didn't understand the diagnosis until she turned twenty-one and wanted to start trying for a baby with her then-boyfriend. It was a struggle and when she started doing her research on PCOS.

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects people with ovaries, causing a range of symptoms and potential long-term health implications. It is important to note that PCOS affects each person differently, and experiences can vary widely.

One of the primary characteristics of PCOS is the presence of cysts on the ovaries, although not all individuals with PCOS have cysts, and conversely, not all ovarian cysts indicate PCOS.

She realized how hard it is to start a family so she continued her research. She had to make changes to her lifestyle that helped me manage her PCOS symptoms. It was a journey of adopting an alkaline-based, gluten-free, and dairy-free diet and incorporating various types of workouts.

Finally, she got pregnant with Yesenia but she doesn't know if she will ever get pregnant again.

Finally, she got pregnant with Yesenia but she doesn't know if she will ever get pregnant again

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ydalis Party girls 🌟✨
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"Trin! Galina! Over here!" Ydalis exclaimed.

Tonight, Ydalis and Yadira were having a girls night out with their friends and Ydalis invited Trinity, Almia, Takecia, and Galina to join them.

"Thank you for coming out tonight, I know it's hard to get away from your Samoan men," Yadira said, laughing.

Ydalis shakes her head when she noticed the guilt look on Trinity and Galina's faces. "Girl, you spoke too soon," Ydalis said as she nudged Yadira to look at the entrance.

Joshua, Jonathan, Joe, Joseph and a couple of their cousins were walking into the lounge. Joshua sent Ydalis a wink as they walked up to their section.

"What's up, baby," Joshua said as he pulled Ydalis into his arms. "You know when you sent me a picture of your outfit for tonight, I knew I had to come out," Joshua whispered in her ear.

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