CHAPTER 11 : Feeling Past

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"Are Tenn-nii trying to kill himself?" Riku was shocked. His hand was shaking, and he quickly ran towards Tenn. Nori was about to stop Riku, but Riku was so fast.

"Tenn-nii!! What are you-" Suddenly, Riku stopped and had an asthma attack. Tenn heard the director say to cut and stop the acting, but then he saw someone that he knew.

"Riku?" Tenn quickly got out of the water.

Riku saw something in his flash memory. He still clearly remembers the tragedy. Riku has become hard to breathe.

"Riku What are you doing here?" Tenn appears in front of Riku's eyes.

"Tenn-nii! Tenn-nii! i'm sorry! I won't do that again. I'm sorry," he said, panicking. Riku held his chest and tried to breathe.

"Riku, calm down!"


At the dorm, Iori and Tamaki are just back from school. Nagi is welcoming them. Iori looked around as he was looking for other members.

"Where's everyone? I thought only Osaka-san and Yotsuba-san had work tonight." Iori said.

"Well, Mitsuki and Sougo go to the hospital. Riku got the worst attack yet." Nagi said.

"Again?" Iori shock.


At the hospital, Riku is already put in sleep.Kichiro said it was due to stress.

"Maybe Riku thought you were suicidal there." Nori said.

"Then, why was Riku there with you too?" Tenn ask.

"Riku wanted to visit the place,so I accompanied him, and then we didn't know that you had shooting there." Nori said.

"But I notice that Riku-kun didn't go through the water. He stood there, and he already panicked," Ryunosuke said.

"Riku suddenly said sorry many times." Tenn said.

Mitsuki and Sougo just arrived and saw them. Nori explains to them what happened. After a few hours,Tenn stayed at the hospital garden to look at the view from the hospital rooftop.

"So you were here all the time?" Gaku said who approached Tenn.

"How did you know that I was here?" Tenn ask.

"Kichiro-san said you always go to this level. Anyway,your brother is already up. He will be going back to the dorm after finishing his drip." Gaku said.

"Thanks for telling me that. I'm glad Riku is fine." Tenn said.

"But Tenn,did you notice that, lately, Nanase always goes in and out of the hospital? From the start, I really noticed that he was getting weak." Gaku said.

"Riku has always been like that since he was 3 years old. He always stays at the hospital because of his illness. Sometimes it almost leads to death. At that time, Riku was so weak." Tenn said.

"That's why you used this situation?" Gaku ask.

"I don't know how to say it, but sometimes it's scary too." Tenn said.

"Do you ever think about one day losing him?" Gaku's question made Tenn fall silent.

"I always believe Riku will be fine after all. He's strong now," Tenn said.


"Riku is suddenly in the worst condition! We need to move him quickly!" the doctor and nurse rushing. Tenn was worried about Riku.

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