After a short while,  the plane started to go up and down hazardously which made you start to wonder if the plane was reaching its final stages considering how worn down it was. The movements soon came to a stop however as everyone was called downstairs to the basement unexpectedly.

"Attention in Total Drama passengers!" Chris' voice over the intercom sounded out "In accordance to emergency landing procedures, you will now be shown the nearest exit."

Out of nowhere, Chef came and pushed you all out the plane into the sea where the plane seemed to have landed. At this point, you weren't even surprised anymore.

Everyone landed in the water apart from Heather as you saw Chef walk most likely trying to find her. Looking around you saw that everyone else was more or less fine except from DJ who was waving his hands around frantically whilst drowning.

I forgot this guy couldn't swim...

You remember the plan Alejandro and you had discussed earlier about you having to 'befriend' DJ so you decided doing him a favour right now was some sort of a start.

"DJ! Are you okay?" you said swimming up to him and trying to help him stay afloat by letting him hold onto you. It sort of worked, the only problem was that he was still panicking and was starting to drag you down with him.

Just then, Heather came bumping up and down on the water sitting on top of a cushion screaming as she had just been pushed off by Chef. She immediately noticed you helping out DJ and glared daggers through you before tossing the cushion over to DJ.

"DJ! Catch!" she yelled and the boy caught a hold of cushion, he let go of you and clung onto it instead letting out a sigh of relief.

"Whoo, thanks (Y/N). Sorry for nearly drowning you." DJ said giving you awkward smile which you brushed off shaking your head. Despite Heather being the one who initially saved him he was thanking you. You smiled at this.

"It's no proble-"

"Care to join me in an alliance!?" Heather said suddenly swimming up to the two of you and completely cutting you off. Before you could say anything, Alejandro was already behind tapping her on her shoulder shooting her an unimpressed look.

"You're asking him that now?" he said.

"You're just jealous! Because you didn't think of it!" Heather stabbed back pointing a finger at him.

"Actually, I'd have asked him before delivering the cushion, but you do what's right for you." he said and Heather looked taken aback.


"Oh he is good." Heather said with her hands clasped together as she sighed dreamily and looked upwards.


"I want the tape. Give me the tape! How do you open this thing?"


Alejandro then gave you look indicating  that you swim back to join the rest of your team so you left DJ with a small pat on the back swimming off to be next to your teammates. Alejandro smiled at you, whispering a small 'good job' to which you didn't respond.

It wasn't long before Chris arrived on a boat in a weird sailor fit and said some incoherent things you couldn't understand before asking the question:

"Ever been to sea?"

"What with the who now?" Cody asked also perplexed as Sierra next to him gasped.

"It must be Newfoundland! Chris is originally from Blow-Me-Down-Highlands." she exclaimed and you started to internally question what was going on.

tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now