"You really think I'm gonna touch these waffles, forgetting that how you threw mine in the dustbin? Do you think I'm so stupid to just forget everything you've said to me?" He darkly says to the boy who's once smiling face turns pale.

"If you have any plans of making me your friend then forget it. I have no interest in being friends with someone who's nothing but a homophobic pig. Keep your damn waffles to yourself". He dryly chuckles at the end before going into his room, leaving the poor boy all alone.

How stupid of him to think that Ash would forgive him that easily?

"A homophobic pig...." Is that was he was now? Did he hurt someone so much to point where he's gotten a title now?

He quietly puts the waffles into a container and into the fridge, not realizing the tears forming in his eyes.

Was he really that bad to others before his college?


"Hey look! It's another faggy couple" his friend teased two girls who were almost on the verge of crying.

"R-Ryan...p-please, we're friends right? Why aren't you saying anything?!" The girl cried out as her girlfriend held her hand tightly. Both of them were looking at him with hopeful eyes. The homophobic gang had surrounded them completely, making the two girls extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't associate myself with fags. Get lost". He says with no emotion causing the girls to let out their tears.

Tears of betrayal from their own friend. They were being hated and harassed just because they loved, they loved each other.

That was their mistake.

Flashback ends

All those moments where he was rude to those who just loved were haunting him back now. He remembers how he abandoned those who were part of the pride community, the ones who were once his friends. He hurt them, left them, betrayed them.

All because of what he was taught, to hate those so called sinners.

"I-I'm sorry...." He whispers out, feeling like absolute crap. He finally realizes how much of an asshole he is. He's realizing his mistakes now.

All because of his homo roommate.


Ryan washes his teary face, his eyes still lightly red. He sighs and wipes his face with a towel and leaves the bathroom, when he sees Ash quietly eating the waffles he had made. The sight made his heart twist and clench painfully. Ash didn't even notice the boy standing there, peacefully enjoying the food.

Ryan hurriedly goes back to the bedroom and covers himself with his blanket. If not before, now he felt even more horrible about himself.

"Why is he doing this....doesn't he hate me?" He thinks to himself and immediately closes his eyes as he hears the bedroom door open.

Ash knew the boy was pretending to sleep, like he couldn't hear those sniffles from miles away. A part of him felt terrible for being so mean to Ryan, but it was well deserved in his opinion. The boy had to know the kind of person he was morphed into.

"I hate doing this to you but you need to know what it feels like to be called names. I know there's a change happening in you. It's overwhelming. Soon you'll realize what damage has been done to you by your parents.

The damage that they caused to me and the others".


Ryan was not gonna give up. He was determined to make things right. May be he can't change the past but he wants to make sure that his present and future is not influenced by the stuff he was taught.

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