Chapter 6

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A week passed by and most of Ryan's injuries were all healed. The infirmary doctor wanted to call his parents but he stopped him, fearing that if they find out the reality of this place then it wouldn't end up good.

As for the performance, they were still confused as to what exactly the teacher wants from them. But all they got in return was figure it out by yourselves, this is something you both should catch hold off.

Oh and if you're wondering about their conversation, the one where Ash finally reveals that he knows the kind of dream Ryan had about him, let's just say the boy couldn't be more embarrassed.

He. Fucking. Heard. Him.

Ash was definitely taking the situation to his advantage. Seeing the boy completely flustered was just the beginning, he had so much in store for him.

Because the only way to get back at Ryan's parents was through their lovely son.

The fest was only a month away, classed and practice was definitely a messy task. One moment you're cramming up information and the next, you're swaying your body in accordance to the music being played.

But Ryan was used to everything by now. In fact so used to it that now he's beginning to feel as if everyone is 'normal ' here. Despite their sexual preferences, they were still living like normal human beings. He's starting to question all his teachings.

You should never go near those infected people.

They will turn you sick.

They're an abomination to this beautiful world.

They're the reason why bad things happen.

But there's nothing like that here. Everyone is so happy. What illness? What infection? What abomination?

"Is it right to hate them when all they're doing is loving the soul?" He thinks to himself. Then his thoughts shift to his roommate. Despite his cocky behavior, he's being nothing but nice to him.

He even helped him when he was in a thrashed up state.

He cooks for him, gives him his own space, never crossed his personal space.

But then the constant cold replies, not even bothering to talk to him after rehearsal. Ryan felt terrible, he felt like he was the bad person.

He even stopped calling him that annoying nickname.

"I should try to keep the differences aside now. I need to apologize to him". He sadly smiles, thinking that the tall boy won't even bother to look at him. And he deserves it.

After all calling people slurs 24/7 and treating them like shit, nobody forgets that so easily.


"I hope he likes this". Ryan wasn't an award winning chef but he definitely knew how to make some tasty dishes. He prepares some waffles and adds cute decorations beside it, making it look absolutely adorable and edible.

He wanted to try and make things better. Enough of treating the other boy like crap. He at least wants to try to develop a mutual friendship with him.

The door opens revealing Ash who was surprised to see Ryan and the plate of waffles.

"Hi...I-I made some waffles for you, would you like to try them". He softly asks. Ash puts his bag down and walks towards the boy, believing that he's gonna throw a slur but instead, he was smiling at him.

He turns his gaze to the delicious smelling waffles. Did this guy seriously make it for him? Didn't this boy hate him?

But wait. You really thought that Ash was just gonna ignore everything that has been told by the small boy? Nope. Even though it's not Ryan's fault entirely, he still deserves to be taught how it feels to be constantly hurt by someone.

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