Stupid paparazzi

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He was there standing inside Mia's house .he is coming closer and closer .He , my ex grabbed me and pull me out of the house Mia is in the house but she is not helping .he punche me in right side of my face and.......
I wake up screaming
"Everything is okay sweetheart you are safe with me okay " said Bojan as he was trying to calm me down.
I just breathe really hard. My heart was beating like it was on some competition.
"Are you ok?" Asked Bojan
"Umh I just had a nightmare ". I said with my voice still shaking.
"You have them often"
"Every since" I stoped for a moment
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to "
"It is okey I have them every time since my ex started to abuse me "
"I am sorry .You don't have to worry he is not here " he was so lovely he didn't know me for long but he was so nice sweet and kind.
"Let's forget about him alright." I said and smiled at him. I didn't want to ruin the moment .His arms were around me and he smiled back and give me a soft kiss on the lips.
"Okey "
"Should we get a breakfast " i said even though I didn't want to live his arms.
"Nooooo I don't want to go, stay and cuddle sounds much better " he said with the voice like kid.
"I know but  don't you and your band  have a sound check at 9.?"
" o no " he checks his phone " it is already 9.10 Kris will kill me" said Bojan and jumped out of the bed.
" I am sorry " he said
"No worries  " I smiled
He almost ran out of the room but before he came to me and gave me a kiss on forehead.
"Would you get lunch with me Bella Cortez " he asked with a grin on his face
"Of course mister Cvjeticanin. Now go and I will pray that you will survive "
He smiled and waved me goodbye.
I just sat on my bed I couldn't believe what just happened i think I l... I suddenly remembered that i am going to there gig tonight.  I have nothing to wear shit .I decided I will go to get some food and then go to store .
Bojan pov
I run out of room even though I didn't want to leave Bella alone.but I promise guys so. I could help but smile the whole way. Of course Kris was not  too happy.even Jan was there already which was really weird if you ask me .
"What were you doing so long "said kris not toooooo happy as you could imagine.
"Nothings I  was asleep " I said which was kinda true.
"You must sleep really hard because I was knocking but you didn't answer or maybe you weren't in your room..." started jan but mark our camera man and really good friend showed up from nowhere
" are we going now" he said
"Yes let's go "I said
We all went to a van that was waiting for us outside.
The stadium was fucking huge but I was not  that nervous about the fact that I am going out with Bella and the fact that I will sing in-front of her. I don't know why I was so nervous but I really started to like her.

We were finally done.
"We can go to lunch to that place we were talking about yesterday " said jure  and others agreed.
" I will skip I have something to do "I said hoping that they will not ask any more questions. Not that I was ashamed I just didn't want boys in all that at start.
"Something or someone " asked Jan and I just turned bright red. Boys burst out laughing.
"Haha funny I am going out with Bella ok" I said kinda annoyed.
Uuuuuuu boys start
"You all are a bunch of kids " is all that I said before heading out.
"Use protection " somebody screamed after me I  just give them middle finger without even turning back.
That's why I hesitate to tell them they are soooo childish.
Bella's pov
I just came from the store and if I am honest I bought 3 outfits because I didn't know which to choose for gig. I was kinda in a rush because it was already 12.30 and Bojan was coming to get me at 13.00(1 o'clock) I had no clue to what kind of restaurant are we going so it would not be me if I again didn't know what to wear. I just went simple with black trousers and white shirt and brown jacket. I made simple messy bun and some light makeup i still don't know how I did it so fast. I had like 10 minutes so I decide to call Mia you know to update her on almost everything .  Our conversation went something like this:

What's up belliiii
                                         " A lot , I kinda was drunk and I had guts to kiss Bojan and then we watched movies and kinda cuddled fall asleep and now I am waiting for him we will go to lunch I am nervous " i told that so fast I could barely breathe I was so happy to be able to tell her.

"First wtf second I knew it third wtf again and don't be nervous you totally love him and I don't daub he fells the same"
We talked for for sometime and she said

" I can here from the way you talk how happy you are"
                                             " I really am i said "
"But don't you dare to forget me ily"
                                             " never ily tooooo by"
The SECOND I hung up Bojan knocked on the door. I opened the door and there he was I think he is more beautiful from second to second.
"Hello beautiful are you ready to go" he asked with the biggest smile on his face.
" yes handsome we can go " I said back.
"Uno momento " he said
"What?" I said and in no matter of time our lips met.
"I bean dining for this since I left"  he said and I kissed him again
" me too " I said and we walked out of the hotel. Holding hands.
Bojan chose this cutie restaurant and he reserved it so we were sitting on the table with the best look on the city. We been there for hour and a half the food was amazing he was amazing.We talked about everything it was like we know each other so long . We stepped out of the restaurant and in no matter of time we were crowded by paparazzi
"Bojan Bojan look at here" they were all screaming
"Is that your girlfriend " man whit mick started pushing in him. A lot of fans gathered around and it was a total mess i was  starting to get really nervous and Bojan saw that
"Can you please live us alone "he asked but they didn't even care to stop. He grabbed his phone will walking really fast and call someone.
" we are going to that store  follow me every thing will be alright "
I just nodded I was in shock I couldn't speak.I followed him and we run to the store and the kind woman agreed to locked the doors and Bojan was given some hoodie she showed us back door we thanked her and Bojan send location to somebody to pick us up .
"I am so sorry" he said looking woried
" is not your fault I was just scared " I said still kinda shaking
"It's over somebody is coming to get us"
"They just can't live us alone "he said
" I saw you on the news when your ex .... Are you okay "
" yes I am you saw that?"
"I didn't know it was you until Mia told me you should be scared of here" I laughed
" I am " he said laughing
" how could i never heard about you ?"
" and we live in same city " he laughed

Hope you enjoy the chapter sorry for mistaking I am writing from my phone thats why it took me so long bye bye
1266 words

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