Tails and Cream play Slender: The Arrival

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Cream: Hey, it's Cream here with the most extreme gamer who's a fox, and we're playing Slender: The Arrival.
Tails: I think it's just Slender: Arrival.
Cream: Either way, let's start the game!
A story started to play out.
Tails: So often are we guided by our devotion, love and affection. A bond that pulls us down paths not bargained. And when you find yourself alone as HE casts out that bedevilling gaze. How far will it carry you?
Cream: That silhouette looks like a shadow of Gollum.

Suddenly, the loud sound of a car door being closed played.
Tails: Could you not slam the car door so loud?
Cream: Seriously, did our character's mother ever tell him when he was younger not to slam the doors?

Cream: For a horror game it's actually pretty happy and sunny-looking.
Tails: Are we playing the wrong game? By Slender, do they just mean that we're going on a long hike and then slimming up a little bit?

However, the day didn't last long.
Cream: Jeez, it got dark fast!
Tails: Oh, there's a house!
Cream: Tails, please don't go in!
Tails:Come on Cream! What's the worst that could happen?
Cream: Tails, you know you don't say that during a horror game!
Tails: Ok then! Cream, let's go in the house! The worst that could happen is a monster could rip our head off and tear out our insides.
Cream: Are you kidding me right now?!

Upon entering the house, the pair quickly discovered a flashlight.
Cream: You light up my life!
Tails: That does NOT mean you get to sing that song!
There was also a phone in there, however, when Tails used it, it said 'The phone line appears to be dead.'
Cream:Let's check upstairs.
The first room they opened was terrifying. Several pages with Slender on them were stuck all over the walls, with an ominously written message saying 'Can you see it?' Suddenly, there was a scream from outside the house.
Tails:Slender? Was that you screaming for ice cream? We're all out of Rocky Road! I'm sorry!
Cream:What do we do now?
Tails:Find out where that scream came from!
Cream: Tails! Are you trying to scare me?!
Tails:Of course not! Look in the pause menu. Our current objective is literally investigate the scream coming from outside.
Investigate they did, but couldn't find anyone. Until they entered an abandoned building and found a journal saying ' He came for me. Why didn't I listen. He was right. He said this would happen. Help me. Need CR. He knows how to end this. Come find me. Don't let him in.'
Then, an intro with the title came up, before opening into a forest.
Cream: It is Slender: THE Arrival!
Tails: As opposed to Slender: The Three-Week Diet Plan!
Both Tails and Cream laughed.

Cream: Do we really have to go back into the woods again?
Tails: Yes. I think we do...
Cream: I don't like it.
Tails: Well it is Slender! Well, where in Mobius are we?
That's when Tails saw something on a nearby wall.
Tails: What is that? It's a page!
Cream: Put it back!
Tails:I can't. I picked it up already.
Cream: Why'd you do that?
Tails: It's part of the game, Cream.
Suddenly, the camera began shaking. They looked around and saw Slender in the distance.
Tails: Ahhh! That's Slender! Let's run!
The pair found a car next with another page on it.
Cream: Uhhh. The more pages you get the angrier he gets!
Tails: You have to collect the pages! It's the point of the game. And he got angrier in the first game! I bet in this game he offers you ice cream!
Cream: Ice cream! Yeah! I'm pretty sure Slender isn't offering ice cream!

Tails: This is the same building we were just in!
The camera shook violently again! Tails looked to the right, and saw the form of Slender.
Cream and Tails: Ahhhh! Run in the opposite direction, go go go!

They then found themselves in a place full of containers and a map on a sign.
Tails: We're going round in circles, Cream!
Cream: I don't know which way to go!
Tails soon found a page on the sign!
Tails: Gimme that page!
Cream: Oh geez!
Tails: And let me tell you, Slender! I am going to find all eight pages and... I don't know what I'm going to do with them. Probably make a scrapbook for the kids!

They also found one on an electrical tower, after which the camera shook again!
Cream: It's shaking!
Tails: I know! I saw...
Cream: I wish Slender would stop chasing us!

Tails: I found a porta potty! What's inside! Oh I can't get in! But there's a page on the side! That's five!
Cream: Uh oh! The camera's shaking again.
Tails: Slender really wants to use the porta potty! Just let him use it!

They then saw Slender through the trees and ran.
Cream: Let's go this way!
Tails: Yeah, it's gonna be good, awesome and a really fun time!
The camera made this weird noise and started shaking again, so they ran again and ended up inside a building.
Tails: We gotta go in because there might be a page in here!
Cream: Or Slender could be hiding in here! Every time you turn around, I think Slender's gonna be there! Ugh, this game gets me so riled up!
Tails: Here's Slender's bathtub. Slender, you're the one! You make bathtimes so creepy!
Cream: That doesn't even rhyme!
Tails: How do you expect me to come up with rhymes at a time like this? Slender, I hate you.
Cream: I agree! I do not like Slender at all.

Tails: We're back outside again! Ok, so there's three pages left! It's almost every place I can think of...
Cream: Maybe if we go back to where we came from; go back to the start again?
Tails: Yeah, like in that one building-
Tails was cut off by his sentence by Slender appearing right in front of him.
Tails and Cream: Ahhhh! What's happening? I can't control it!
From there, it was total chaos as Tails ran wildly around until Slender killed him.

Tails: I did not like that game.
Cream: Not one bit.
Tails: So yeahhh.... Slender: The Arrival. Never wanna play it again. Ugh! Keep on extremin' it out! Geez...

The return of Tails' gaming channel is finally here! Now, it's back to Taiream Forever!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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