A sick Linky/Sprig's punishment (Flashback)

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*We cut to a few weeks later as we see Lincoln coughing, as Marcy comes into his room*

Marcy: Lincoln sweetie you want to go see the new dinosaur film that's playing in theaters and-

*Sees Lincoln coughing really hard*

Marcy: *concerned* are you okay sweetie

Young Lincoln: yeah mommy I'm fi-

*Lincoln ends up puking onto his bedroom floor shocking Marcy*

Marcy: *panics* Oh Lincoln! *Yells* Anne!

Anne: *offscreen* what Mar-Mar?

Marcy: come here, and bring a thermometer, a towel and some carpet cleaner

Young Lincoln: *sick* M-M-Mommy, help me...... I don't feel so good *pukes*

Marcy: Anne!!

*Anne comes in with the stuff and sees Lincoln puking*

Anne: Oh sweetie!

*Anne rushes over to Lincoln as Marcy rushes to grab a bucket*

Young Lincoln: mommy I don't feel good

Anne: Shhh I know sweetie

*Marcy comes back in and places the bucket on the floor and soon begins to clean up the vomit on Lincoln's bedroom carpet*

Marcy: here sweetie, if you have to puke, then puke in this Bucket okay?

Young Lincoln: o-okay mommy's

Anne: *sad* oh our poor little Lincoln

Marcy: I know Anne, but it was bound to happen

Young Lincoln: *groaning*

Anne: Our poor little baby........

Young Lincoln: Mommy

Anne: yes sweetie?

Young Lincoln: I'm thirsty

Marcy: Anne why don't you get Lincoln some Sprite to drink and get him some stomach medicine to at least mitigate the vomiting

Anne: alright, you don't think Lincoln has the stomach flu do you?

Marcy: it's possible, one of Sprig's friends Luke had recovered from it a week ago when we were invited to his birthday party by his parents so he may have inadvertently

Passed it on to Lincoln

Young Lincoln: mommy? Will I still be able to go see this new movie?

Marcy: I'm afraid not sweetie, your sick and you'll make it worse by going outside and I will not let you risk your health for a movie we can see any day

Anne: what about the other kids?

Marcy: Anne, I'm going to talk to them

Anne: alright, but in order to be safe, we should quarantine our household just in case if our kids get exposed to Lincoln

Marcy: alright then

*Marcy walks out of Lincoln's bedroom as we cut to Sprig & Maggie clearly excited to see the new dinosaur movie*

Maggie: I can't wait to see 65! I heard it has Adam Driver in it!

Sprig: honestly I'm excited just to see the dinosaurs in 3D and play some of the arcade games in the theater lobby

Maggie: yeah that too

*Soon Marcy comes downstairs*

Sprig: so mommy are we gonna go?

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