Five years later (Flashback)

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*Five years have passed since Anne and Marcy got married they merged they're fake last names together into one long last name Boonchuy-Wu

Anne and Marcy successfully had their baby which was a boy who they named Sprig and Anne was next to carry the next child and it was a healthy baby girl

They named Polly, we see a Young Lincoln and Sprig drawing on the wall*

Young Sprig: you think our mommy's will like this bro?

Young Lincoln: of course they will, todays their wedding anniversary, and I want to give them the best gift ever and It needs to be a good drawing

*suddenly Maggie comes in she's 10 years old now*

Maggie: oh god why are you two drawing on the wall!?

Young Lincoln: our mommy's anniversary gift

Maggie: you know that's a stupid idea, drawing on the wall, you're kinda ruining it by doing so right?

Young Sprig: oh come on how bad could it-

*Marcy comes in and she's rightfully upset*

Marcy: *Upset* Lincoln! Sprig! What are you two doing!?

Maggie: busted

Marcy: why are you two drawing on the wall!? You've never done that before at all! Did Maggie set you two up?!

Maggie: what hey!

Marcy: you used to do it as a five year old! and- *Sees the picture, it's a rose and her alongside Anne holding it* you drew this?!

Young Lincoln: yeah Mommy, we drew it ourselves

Young Sprig: for your wedding anniversary we wanted to make a special gift for you and Lincoln thought this was a good idea for your gift

*This touches Marcy*

Marcy: Ohhh kids! *she embraces them* I really appreciate that you were being considerate of your two Mommy's a lot but this is a bit too much

Young Lincoln: yeah, I guess you are right mommy

Young Sprig: yeah, I think you're right

Marcy: good, now let's clean this mess up together before your other mom gets back home from Polly's inoculation appointment a family

Maggie: why do I have to join in!?

Marcy: we'll need all the help we can get to clean the wall and remove the crayon stains

*We cut to an hour later, the wall has been cleaned and we see the four resting on the couch downstairs in the living room*

Young Lincoln: Mommy we are sorry for drawing on the wall I just wanted to make you a pretty picture

Marcy: I understand why you did it and I'm proud that you meant well but you two know you're not allowed to draw on the wall kids

Young Sprig: are we gonna be punished?

Marcy: no, you won't be punished because you did mean well in the end, I'll just leave you two off with a little warning

*stern* don't draw on the wall again or you will be punished next time Got it?

Young Lincoln & Sprig: yes mommy

Marcy: glad to hear it kids

Maggie: I know it's the first day of summer break what are we gonna do this summer?

Marcy: well, we were originally planning on going to the beach but with Mr & Mrs Boonchuy no relation to your other mommy's last name are struggling with Thai go

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