Kacchan, Respectfully, Choke on It

Start from the beginning

"Get your dirty hands off! And what d'ya mean it's comfortable? Your damn balls are all but hanging out."

"Maybe that's why it's so comfortable," Shouto shrugged, ignoring Katsuki and reaching into the bag regardless, pulling out a piece of perfectly rolled datemaki and taking a bite. "Did you make these?"

"No, my mum did, and that's all you're fucking getting."

"It's a shame you couldn't make it to the party today," Kirishima said, dropping down onto the couch beside Kaminari, whose face was a complicated shade of purple and arguably more affected by the sheer amount of ass around him than anyone else was. Mineta, Katsuki noted, was nowhere to be seen. "Mirko asked about you!"

"Yeh, well, you know how fucking clingy and gross my folks got after the whole dying thing. My fault for waking up I guess."

"Dude, it's still not cool to joke about that."

"Hah? I'm the one who died! I'll joke about it all I fucking like!"

"Give it a break already, we all almost died," Mina snorted, leaning over the back of the couch and placing her elbows on Kirishima's shoulders. "You're not special."

"The hell I ain't!"

"Did you have a good time at least?"

Uraraka had led the blushing Jirou back to the couches, also nosing curiously at the treats that Katsuki's mother had made, and she flashed him a bright smile. It was still taking Katsuki a while to get used to this... people genuinely seemed happy to have him around these days, like his presence was a comfort to them rather than an abrasion, and Pink Cheeks in particular had made a lot of effort to be around him since the war ended. Katsuki wasn't sure what it was about, but he found that he didn't mind all that much.

"S'fine," he grunted in response.

He looked back across the room, realising that there was a distinct absence of green among the group of greedy students, and he frowned.

"Where's Izuku?" He didn't remember Izuku telling him that he was going to be spending New Year with his mother this year, but it was weird that he wasn't there, especially given one of the top-ranking Pros had decided to pay them a visit. He almost missed the knowing smirk on Mina's face as he locked eyes with her.

"Think we went to take a leak," Kaminari said, oddly subdued. Jirou was now sitting beside him, and his face had only darkened to an uglier purple as a result.

Katsuki shrugged as if he didn't really care either way and stretched his arms over his head, back popping loudly. It had been a long day, it was already creeping close to his bedtime, and he was sure that he'd seen more than enough of his classmate's asses for one day. But even as he opened his mouth to announce that he was going to bed, he heard an excitable voice behind him, grabbing his attention.

"Kacchan, you're back!"

Katsuki carefully arranged his face into a carefree, cool pout before he turned around, then he all but choked on his tongue, eyes widening by an embarrassing amount as he took in the sight of the nerd walking towards him. Apparently, Kirishima and Todoroki weren't the only ones to fall foul of a bet, and there Izuku was, in his full, legging glory, carved upper thighs all but spilling out of the thigh-high boots he was wearing. The headband over his head was at an angle, one ear sticking up higher than the other, a gloved hand pushing his fluffy fringe back from where it had been flattened over his forehead. Katsuki realised, to his agonising despair, that Izuku was also freeballing, the imprint of his dick entirely too obscene for a goddamn dinner party.

"Yeh, I know," Izuku said, laughing somewhat nervously, mistaking the redness of Katsuki's cheeks and the tight line of his jaw as indignance. "But Kirishima and Todoroki both said it was comfortable! And I can't pass up an opportunity to wear official hero merch, Kacchan! The boots don't feel all that different to my usual costume, and the amount of support around my lower legs is great! I need to find out who designs Mirko's costume. Don't get me wrong, Hatsume does a great job, but I wonder if I might be able to make use of the fabric for my own costume-"

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