Charapter 6 - Keira

Start from the beginning

"He's certainly a smart man and will start talking," I say calmly, fiddling with my own knife. The truth is, I'm worried we won't easily break him. Great, I'll probably have to be here until tomorrow morning.

"What is your name?" I ask but he just ignores me. Okay, I take it back, he is fool. 

"I am asking you one last time!" Now that I look at it, he can't be much older than Damon. He's just a boy. Proud and stubborn. He thinks that if he's part of the mafia, the whole world will fall at his feet. But he's wrong about that. I know it best. If you're not at the very top, you're nothing. You are powerless and a mere chess piece controlled by those at the top. The boy doesn't know anything about the world yet. Looks like he's gonna find out the harsh way.

"Jason," he answers angrily.

"See, it wasn't that hard. Now you will tell me anything I want to know. Maybe then I'll let you go out there alive. You may already know what I'm going to ask you by the way you're looking at me angrily, but you can bet," I say, leaning in slightly to him until we're breathing the same air, "you can bet I'd beat you like nothing. You're just an immature boy who needs to massage his ego."

"You're a bitch!" He spits at me, but he doesn't even get a chance to say anything else when Damon grabs him by the arm and throws him on the dirty floor.

"I warned you not to talk this way to her!" my brother yells, and pulls out one of his knives, so sharp that even a brief touch on the tip would cause bad injury. But Damon is good at his job, he does it very well and is the best in his field. It's not worth pissing him off. My brother is a sadist and a vicious killer. He is dangerous man and mercy istn't in his vocabulary.

He starts cutting into his thigh and after a moment, small rivulets of red blood begin to trickle towards me and the room fills muffled screams of agony. Jason is obviously in pain, but he still doesn't say a single word. He doesn't beg for mercy.

" Which Italian mafia are you part of?" my brother pauses for a moment, waiting to see if anything comes out of the man. But there is nothing, he is completely silent. 

"'Fine, it's your choice,' Damon replies annoyed, but I notice his eyes sparkle with excitement. He's enjoying this and he's not going to stop torturing this man any time soon.

 Damon takes a knife and cutsHe takes him by the forearm and starts cutting his forearm. Jason writhes in pain, clearly suffering but not backing down. The stubbornness is still there. I wonder how long he can keep up.

"Russo brothers, I'm part of their mafia," He screams in pain and at that moment I stop Damon, who doesn't seem to want to stop yet. But I think he's still going to finish it considering how stubborn this man is.

"That's enough. He answered the question."

Jason lies down on the floor in exhaustion and stabs me with a death stare. . I notice that the word coward is now ugly craved in his thigh. Damon gave him something like pernament tattoo. 

I'm not sure Damon did the right thing, though. If Jason's part of the Russo brothers' mafia, it could backfire. Our relationship is not good, and this won't make them any happier. But I can't turn back time, so I'll have to learn as much as I can from him. 

"Why were you in my territory? Are there more of you out there?"

"If people from enemy mafias and they are coming into my territory unnoticed, it is not good thing for my reputation. I need to expose them as soon as possible and show everyone what happens to those who would try something similar. Anyway, I'll have to sort this out as soon as possible. I can't, as a woman, allow my reputation to be tarnished by anything.

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