Only a breeze carried his dying voice across the flaming sky. Then came the silence.

He couldn't stop panting. Everything was hurting now. Everything was on fire. There was no shade anywhere -- no food, no water, no living help -- nothing. All that gave him purpose became the sharp stabs of pain within his gut, and the massive headache now drawing blood from his inners toward the base of his throat.

I tilted my head right, rumbling softly as I studied the beast. A shame to find a life suffering so painfully. So slowly. Alone... and filled with so much good spirit.

Snarling in defiance, Fintail tried to stand — gravity slammed him back down to stay. He went for a second attempt — he struggled to lift to his left foot, only to slip and plunge right back down to where he started. Now his body refused to obey, as if fastened down by a predator's talons. Everything was growing colder and colder despite the heat, and, now, engulfed in a torrent of panic, Fintail roared into the sky for a miracle.

There is nobody here. Their souls are with me now.

The whimpering grew louder, the terror so aromatic that it pulled me through the muck and right above the saurian's body. Here, fate granted me a better glimpse of his foul works — the scars drawn across his fading scales, the dust inflaming his eyes, and the rotting of his dear soul as he resisted the temptation to give in.

This war was all in vain.

Fintail continued to pant and wheeze, sensing another sharp shockwave rocking the void that surrounded him on all sides. The longsnout tried one last time, announcing his anguish for the entire world to hear.


His tears broke first. My heart went second. This was fate's doing. Fate targeted the noblest of our world, those who seek 'happy-endings' and the fantasies life craves. Those too innocent to perish. Now I am only here to pick up the pieces. And... I must keep my word to him.

He is the first. He is the last.

He is Fintail. And he is-



He was staring at me. Fintail dragged his jagged muzzle into the sand like a hapless hatchling, sucking another meaningless breath through his nares before growling to the wind.

"W-Why do I s-see you?"


I gave him no answer. There is no need to speak; mortals know why I am here. My choice does not mean I do not feel pity the living. Simply put, it hurts to explain. The distant look on their faces, the shudders of awareness, those stomach-churning, heart-breaking cries that follow in its wake aren't as numbing as you may think. Yes, I am used to this job, but I feel, too. And once this vacant message told the carnivore of my true intentions, his soul ignited like a flame.

I was not ready to face it.

Fintail rushed the third attempt to rise. Using what little hidden energy he had left in store, the longsnout drove his body forward, staggering onto two ramshackle claws, two feet, and one snout with reckless abandonment. But he couldn't get far; a violent cramp shot through his body like live wire. All Fintail could manage was a blood-curdling howl before plunging right back to the earth.

Ease yourself, longsnout.

"N-No..." the longsnout sobbed, tears bursting in his eyes. "I d-don't want to g-go yet!"

I am sorry.

"Stay away from me!" Fintail bared his fangs. His snarl was powerful, raw in intensity, and menacing in stride. A valiant try to scare me. But nothing ceases my walk. Not a growl, not a whimper, not even a threat.

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