Chapter Nineteen - Scrope

Start from the beginning

"Moon calves? How... Really?" she asked Hazel in amazement. Hazel was momentarily distracted by the Puffskien, waking up and jumping happily on her head, but then nodded. "They are such wonderful creatures!" she said, smiling.

"Indeed," Howin agreed with her. Then she looked again at the Puffskien on her head. "I think, frankly, that this little guy is going to insist on seeing you a lot, Miss Black. It's a good thing my class will be starting up again soon. Come on. We'll take the little one to see his friends."

"What is it?" Sebastian asked Hazel when he found her sitting so quietly in front of the fireplace. She stared at an envelope in her hand and rubbed her temple. There was no sign of Ominis.

"Where's Ominis?" Sebastian then put in after seeing her strained expression. "I-I'm not sure...I...think.... he wanted to get a book...from the library or something" she mumbled. When they were back in the common room, Ominis had given her a gentle kiss and made her rest a bit by the fire. He had said something she hadn't quite understood in her tired thoughts, but by the time she wanted to ask, he had hurried away. Sebastian nodded and sat down with her. She moaned and closed her eyes.

"Who's Scrope?" she asked through clenched teeth as a pain jerked through her head. "I think that was the name of your uncle's house elf or something. Why, what's wrong?" Sebastian asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She shook her head and buried her face in her hands for a moment. "I just have a headache," she mumbled and looked at him tiredly. She noticed that Sebastian was confused about her condition and sighed.

"I was back in the Infirmary today, Seb," she sighed. He nodded. "Yeah, I know. A couple of people saw the Nurse take you there from the principal's office. What was going on?" he asked. She shook her head and sat back after placing the, still sealed, letter on the table in front of her.

"We were talking. My uncle and myself, I mean. About my Childhood. And when we hugged, he said something... I don't even remember what it was. A pain exploded in my head and.... So many memories... Unrelated images passed in front of my inner eyes, I was blinded. Didn't notice anything else before everything went black. Then I woke up in the hospital wing. These memories confuse me so much, Sebastian. I have no idea what to do with them, and every time I think of them, my head buzzes like this." she mumbled strained at the end while massaging her temples and closing her eyes.

Sebastian grumbled something and she startled when he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to turn her back to him. "My sister always said there can be two reasons why a headache doesn't get better. One" he grumbled, massaging her shoulders and neck. "Tension in the neck. Second" he took one hand away and tugged at her bow and clip until her hair loosened from the ponytail. "A tight ponytail worn too often" Hazel groaned in annoyance as her mane fell into her face.

"Ow" she grumbled as he massaged her shoulders a little too hard. He laughed and took his hands away. "Sorry. Better?" he asked mischievously, nudging her to turn back around.

"Not much, but thanks" she sighed and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "You look like a lioness with a mane" Sebastian laughed and she grumbled before sighing again.

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