Chapter Seventeen - Next Please

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"However, I have enchanted the carts to return to me if I lose them. As unlikely as it may be, I hope that my belongings will find their way back to me," the goblin continued, throwing Ominis' last hope overboard. He knew that Hazel's heart was too big to keep this goblin waiting for long. He had lost everything, after all, and she knew how that felt.

"I am tougher than you think. If I find out anything, I'll see what I can do," she said with a smile, and the goblin thanked her for it by kindly shaking her hand and wishing her well. As Hazel and Ominis walked hand in hand towards the village she sighed. "That he would do that to his own people. Ominis, Ranrok is about more than equality. He's about power and domination. If I follow a couple of his people, maybe I can find out something and help a poor friendly goblin" she explained herself to him. He did not like it. Hell, no, he didn't like it at all.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. You know my opinion about putting yourself in danger. But I also know that we need to get rid of Ranrok before he gets too powerful. The sooner you know something about him and his plans the better, but you can't face that all alone. None of that, Hazel. It would kill me to know you are in danger and not be with you" he said fervently. Hazel stopped and put a hand to his cheek, at which he gasped in surprise. "I know. I would feel the same way. But it's even more dangerous for you. Spells can come silently, but they are never completely invisible. Ranrok wants to get at my magic. It's my fight," Hazel said lovingly. "Your battles are mine, too. And I am willing to fight any battle for you, blindness or not. Spells are rarely completely silent for me" Ominis explained his point grimly.

Hazel sighed. He was right, and she would react the same way he just did. "There's no class tomorrow. If we don't leave soon, it may already be too late. Let's go back to the castle and get ready before curfew starts. Before that, we have to be back outside. And in the morning, if all goes well, we'll sneak back" Hazel said to him as she sighed and dropped her hand, defeated by his arguments.

"What about Sebastian?" Ominis asked suddenly, when they were almost at the castle. "What about... no! It's way too suspicious when we're all gone. It's enough that he had detention again the other day for being in the restricted Section. He can cover for us," she said, shaking her head. If they got caught, it would be their first detention, so that wouldn't be so bad. But she knew that Sebastian could start to get into serious trouble.

"I guess you're right. Even if I would feel a little more comfortable with him. What we're going to do is dangerous. I-I can manage without my wand by now, but-" he continued, but Hazel squeaked excitedly.

"Really?! Have you been secretly practicing? Why didn't you say anything?!" she shot off, bouncing up and down joyfully in front of him. "Yes, Yes and because I wanted to surprise you...I messed up" he moaned unhappily. Actually, he had intended to show her that... more romantically. At least he was able to look her in the face for a short time. He still practiced diligently. He had found that the better he mastered it, the clearer this magical vision became. He would still have to practice a lot, but at least he was already able to see outlines clearly and sense colors quite darkly. He hoped he would eventually be able to actually see properly, one way or another. He would already be happy if he could see funny blurry color spots.

Magical seeing, however, worked differently than real seeing. It was more something he saw in his mind than with his eyes. Which only served as a medium to direct the whole thing, much like his wand. "Oh, but that's great news! Does that mean I don't have to worry quite so much when it comes to duels anymore?" she asked seriously. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Well, I can't keep it up permanently yet, unfortunately. But if we finish the duels quickly, you won't have to worry about me" he said smiling.

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