Chapter Eleven - Restricted section

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Hi there! Since the last chapter was just too short for my taste, after you had to wait so long, here comes the next, longer right after! Love you!


Ominis felt her grip on him tighten as he apologized to her. He was so incredibly sorry for what had happened to her, because he knew how she must have felt. He could also feel her tears on his hair. "Y-you..." she whispered before she let out a groan and grabbed her head with one hand.

All at once, so much became clear to her. Memories, finally in the right place, came to her and finally made sense with what she had experienced here. It finally made sense why Omini's nickname for her seemed so familiar. He had almost never used her name, he had always just called her >Little Snake< back then. Why she found his smell so comforting, because she already knew it and associated only positive things with it. Why he could so easily make her listen to him, because it had happened before. All this suddenly made a frightening amount of sense, and with the realization she got a stabbing headache.

She felt a cold hand on her temple and opened her narrowed eyes. "Are you okay?" Ominis asked, putting his hand to her temple. Again she cried, and this time it was her who was held. "Yes, finally," she whispered.

"So many things make sense now that I was almost afraid of" she said sheepishly as emotions calmed down. Ominis and Hazel were now sitting close together while Sebastian sat across from them. "What do you mean?" Ominis asked her. "Well like why you're the only one who can boss me around" she snorted. He laughed. "And a few things I'd like to keep to myself" she said, blushing. Ominis squeezed her hand.

"Sooo. Restricted section," Sebastian interjected. Hazel cleared her throat. "Professor Fig inspected the viole we found in the vault. When he read an inscription a map appeared, but he couldn't read it, only that it depicted Hogwarts. But on the map were traces of ancient magic, which pointed to the Restricted section. Before we went there, he asked me to improve my spells. You got that part. We were supposed to go today, but Professor Fig was rudely ordered away at the last moment by the puke of an uncle. For an indefinite period of time. I could wait until he gets back but... then too much time might have passed" she explained. Ominis sighed, "I'm afraid I'm out of that kind of action, little snake. I'd just be a burden and probably only make sure we'd get caught if we sneaked in together. But with Sebastian you have a pro for entering the Restricted Section" he said and made a gesture with his hand towards Sebastian. "You just have to be smart enough not to get caught. can you do it today?" Sebastian asked.

She hesitated. Apart from her story, they were having a nice day here with the moon calves. She didn't want it to end already and she didn't want to leave Ominis. But she didn't want to waste time either. Ominis squeezed her hand again. "It's okay. I'll stay up and wait for you in the common room" he said. "You wouldn't be able to sleep anyway until she's safely back in the common room" Sebastian joked and stood up. "First we should see if we can get dinner though" he said and helped the two of them up. The moon calves made sad noises and Hazel knelt down to them once more. "What do you guys like to eat? I'm sure I can get it somewhere and then we'll come visit you again!" she said. The answer was just a whimper, but Hazel nodded as if she understood and stood up. "The little ones are happy with any kind of fruit or vegetable. I think Star would LIKE them!" she laughed. "Y-you understood them?" Sebastian asked, perplexed. Ominis, on the other hand, wasn't as surprised as he probably should have been. He remembered well how she had always talked to her snakes. They had been real conversations, even though she didn't speak Pasel tongue. Ominis could follow the conversations, since he himself could understand snakes. Her interpretations were surprisingly precise, even if sometimes the nuances were missing. He knew she sensed something in animal beings that helped her understand them. There was also a mixture of gestures and facial expressions that she observed. It happened all by itself with her. "Y-yes. It's not like I understand exactly what they're saying. It's more like a feeling that points me in the right direction. And a bit of sense and logic. That they're not carnivores was obvious to me. I just needed to know if they prefer fruit or vegetables, but the sweet ones are so frugal that they don't care," she replied with a smile, and they headed back to the castle.

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