Chapter Eight - Some kinds of Monster

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Ominis slowly knelt down in front of Hazel, who was staring into nowhere. With his wand, he was able to get an accurate picture of his situation: Her hair was a mess, as well as her uniform. Her eyes were wide open, focusing on nothing as she cried. She still had her hands cupped in front of her mouth to muffle her sobs. He could smell blood, too, but not alarmingly much. He suspected a scratch, as the cause. "Hazel?" he asked gently. But she didn't respond, so he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. A jolt went through her body, she flinched so badly that she hurt herself and crashed her back against the shelf. This finally brought out the sobs she had been holding back, Hazel drew her knees up and buried her head in her arms, which she had placed on her knees. He noticed that she was unable to speak. Ominis quickly checked her school bag for a quill and a sheet of parchment:

Library. Second floor. Now!


He wrote and enchanted the piece of paper. It formed itself into a bird and flew away. He hoped Sebastian wasn't as overwhelmed with the situation as he was. He just didn't know what to do, what he could do to calm her down. Again, he knelt down on the floor with her and did the only thing he could think of. He sat down next to her, gently put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his arms. She resisted at first, her heart racing faster and her sobs growing louder. But that changed when he spoke, "Shhshhh, little snake. You will be alright, I am here now".

Those words worked their magic almost miraculously. She loosened her tense posture to throw herself against his chest. She clawed into his shirt and cried heartbreakingly as he gently swayed them back and forth. With his wand no longer in his hand, Sebastian's cold voice caught him completely off guard.

"What happened and who we have to kill" Sebastian's cold voice was heard. "Calm down Sebastian. She's scared to death as it is" Ominis said calmly, his face furrowed with rage. Sebastian knelt down to them and ruffled his hair. It was only her first real day of school and this girl was getting into one trouble after another. Hazel was worse than he was, Sebastian thought to himself. "Should I get a Professor? Or the nurse?" Sebastian asked. Ominis felt Hazel strengthen her grip and shook his head. "I think too much attention is the last thing she needs right now" he murmured and kissed Hazel on her hair. She began to be somewhat relaxed.

"Oh gosh," Sebastian muttered, plopping down on the floor. " Not even a day back at Hogwarts and already experienced more than last year. Hazel, you're worse than me and that's something" Sebastian tried to lighten the situation a bit. Her broken look met his, and the fake smile, on his face, died. "You think I'd choose something like that? No! I didn't choose this fucking life, I'm just the fool who has to survive it somehow!" she said shakily, leaning exhaustedly against Ominis again, who stroked her hair. "Shhshhh, little snake," he murmured into her hair. As his hand gently stroked her back, careful not to hurt her, he felt something wet. "Hazel, you're bleeding," he murmured. "What happened, Hazel?" Sebastian sighed, who rummaged around in all his uniform pockets and finally pulled out a green Wiggenweld potion. "Malfoy," she sobbed, and Sebastian gritted his teeth angrily. "What has he done?" he growled. But Hazel shook her head. "Give her time, Sebastian," Ominis told him.

Hazel wanted to tell them, but every time she tried, she was shaken by choking sobs. "We should find somewhere else to go. Soon it will be time for students to do their homework or study" Sebastian said after a few silent minutes. "And where should we go? The common room is too busy" Ominis replied while trying to convince her to get up.

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