Chapter Fifteen - Love

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She hadn't let go of his hand all the way.

Thanks to his wand and a lot of practice controlling his magic better, he saw her relatively precisely. Her movement seemed gentle, springy. Her dress, which she wore, he found - in his limited vision - beautiful on her. He knew it was bright and had flowers on it, and it fluttered a bit in the breeze, while the light corset, laced artfully in the back, held everything in place. She wore a traveling cloak, which only went over her shoulders, with no sleeves, like his schoolrobe, and dark shoes with a strap. He had braided her hair at the sides and tied it into a high Ponytail. She was incredibly beautiful, even for him, and he saw everything rather blurry and grayish when he tried to use his inner magic with his eyes.

They were silent most of the time, though he sensed something was on her mind. "Hazel, what's wrong?" he asked her quietly, tugging lightly on her hand to get her attention. "I... want to talk to you. Undisturbed. And where else is better than with little cuddly moon calves as security that no one will come near us unnoticed?" she asked with a smile and a slight tremor in her voice.

Ominis laughed softly. He clearly noticed that she was nervous, but not in a bad way. Not as if she feared an ambush or something, but rather as if what she was about to tell him was incredibly important to her.

When they arrived, the little moon calves startled audibly at first. When they recognized Hazel and him, however, they hopped joyfully towards them. The little noises warmed his heart even more than Hazel already did.

They sat down under the tree that served as a den for the moon calves. They had a den under it, and baby moon calves could be heard fiddling in it. Hazel had to smile at the sounds just as Ominis did when she sat down very close to him, took his hand and turned her face to the sun with her eyes closed.

Ominis had been so lovingly concerned all the way. If she got too fast, he held her back. If he heard she was getting even a little out of breath, he would let her take a break. He had insisted on taking at least two of the strengthening potions, an energy potion, and a healing potion with them, just in case.

She sighed, intertwined her fingers with his, and leaned her head sideways against his shoulder. There was so much she wanted to say. About before and her feelings, then and now. But all that left her lips was a sincere, even passionate: "I love you, Ominis."

She said it softly, after all she was quite close to his ear. Surprised, Ominis stiffened at first. Had... he perhaps misunderstood her? Or...

"Say that again" he whispered with disbelief. She lifted her head in disconfidence and looked him in the face, saw his disbelieving expression.

"I love you. You make me feel special. You make me feel weak and strong in equal measure. Free and without a care in the world. Loved. I love you!" she grew louder and more confident as she spoke.

Around them, the moon calves bounced joyfully, as if they knew exactly what was going on. One nudged Ominis with its head in Hazel's direction and squealed happily and Ominis...

Ominis smiled broadly, his eyes wet and his eyebrows raised in surprise. As if he didn't think he was worthy of it, as if he could hardly believe what he was hearing. Ominis pulled Hazel close and rested his forehead against hers, one hand on her cheek. What he would give now to look her straight in the eyes.

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