The South Park Witch Trials (Part 1)

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South Park - 1692 - Marsh Residence

Randy Marsh sat down with his family for a simple candlelit dinner. His wife served a hearty stew while their children chatted about their day. As they enjoyed their meal there was a knock at the door. The family exchanged puzzled glances, as they weren't expecting any visitors. Randy wiped his mouth with a cloth, stood up, and opened the door, revealing Harrison Yates, the local constable, standing there with a stern expression.

Yates: "Mr. Marsh?"

Randy: "Yeah?"

Yates: "I have received some disturbing accusations against you"

Randy's brows furrowed in confusion.

Randy: "Accusations? What accusations?"

Yates stepped into the house casting a wary glance around at the rustic interior.

Randy: "Witchcraft Mr. Marsh. There have been claims that you've been practicing the dark arts. I have no choice but to place you under arrest"

Randy's eyes widened in disbelief.

Randy: "Witchcraft? This is absurd! I'm just a farmer!"

Sharon: "Randy? What's going on?"

Randy: "They're accusing me of witchcraft!"

Yates drew a weathered parchment from his belt and read aloud from it.

Yates: "By the authority vested in me, you, Randy Marsh, are hereby accused of practicing witchcraft, a grave offense against the village of South Park"

Sharon trembled. Clutching her children protectively. Yates shackled Randy's wrists. As they exited the house, the neighbors gathered, casting suspicious glances at the Marsh family.

South Park - 1692 - Jail

Randy is thrown into a cell full of familiar faces. The faces of his friends who were also shackled and imprisoned. Gerald Broflovski, Stephen Stotch, Roger Donovan, Thomas Tucker, Richard Tweak, Stuart McCormick, and Steve Black, all stood before him, their expressions a mix of frustration and disbelief.

Mr. Broflovski: "Randy!"

Randy: "Gerald? Guys? What's going on?"

Mr. Stotch: "Someone knows Randy! Someone knows what we did in the woods, and they went and told Yates!"

Randy: "Who could possibly know what we were doing in the woods that night?"

Mr. Black: "Isn't it obvious? Look around. The only other person who was in those woods with us isn't here"

Upon looking around, the men realized who was missing.

Randy: "Garrison!"

South Park - 1692 - Garrison Residence

Reverend Garrison sat in his simple home, surrounded by the flickering glow of candles, as he read his bible. A knock was soon heard at his door, and as Reverend Garrison got up to open it, he was met with the face of one of the villagers.

Villager: "Reverend Garrison! A group of men have been arrested!"

Reverend Garrison: "You came knocking on my door to tell me that? Just hang them like we do everybody else"

Reverend Garrison said annoyed, as he turned his back, and began closing his door.

Villager: "You don't understand sir! These men have been accused of witchcraft!"

This news caused Reverend Garrison to freeze before he could fully close the door.

Reverend Garrison: "Witchcraft? Who are the men?"

The New Kid (Male Reader x South Park Harem)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon