Chapter eighteen "Get lost"

Start from the beginning

I looked at him surprised.

“Mum and dad never let me talk to you like that. They say you are sensitive, and I might upset you, but Dani, honestly, I don’t care. You can hate me if you want, but I only want the best for you.”

“You are right, everything you said is correct. I thought I was doing better but we can all see that that’s not true.” My phone buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number.

“Now that I took your sex toy out of the picture, will you get back with me? -Audrey.”

“Dave! Look.” I showed him the text and his eyes widened.

“You are fucking kidding me.”

I called Camilla’s dad.

“Hey Mr. Thompson, I know who did this to Cam, I know who hurt her.”

“I know, Audrey, she told me. I’m going to the police station.”

“I have evidence sir.”

“Meet me there.”

Dave drove me to the police station. We talked with a police officer, they took our statement, we showed them the incident report from the hospital, and they made us ride them back to the hospital with them so they can talk to Cam.

We entered the room and Cam was half asleep. Her dad gently woke her up. She gave a statement of exactly what happened, and they filed a report.

They left with her dad, and it was only me and Cam in the room.

“I’m sorry, this is all my fault. It’s my fault that you almost died and that you are in pain now.”

“Danielle, this isn’t your fault. It’s Audrey’s fault.”

“It’s my fault Cam, if it wasn’t for me, you would have never gotten involved with that psycho bitch, and you wouldn’t be in pain right now.”

“Believe it or not Danielle, this pain is nothing compared to the pain you caused me when you basically broke up with me over a fucking text. I felt so guilty after that kiss that it made me physically sick. I went home that night and threw up, that’s how awful I felt. And it wasn’t even my fault.” She spat.

“I’m sorry.”

She coughed a little.

“Could you please pass me the water?” I rushed and gave the glass of water that someone had stupidly place a little too far for her to reach. As she took it from my hand, our fingers touched.

She was touching me.

A few hours ago, I thought I’d never get to see her again, and now she’s yelling at me.

“Danielle.” I turned to look at her. She handed me the glass and looked at me concerned. “You really look horrible.”

“Thanks, so do you.” I said in a serious tone, and she chuckled. I smiled widely at the sound of that.

“And you are acting weird.” I smiled and shook my head amused.

“I should get going, you need to rest and so do I.”

“You also need to take a shower.” I gasped and she giggled.

“For your information, I showered yesterday.”

“Did you?”

“Sorry that my scent is irritating your sensitive nostrils your highness.” We both chuckled.

“Will you visit me tomorrow?”

“Do you really want me to?” I asked surprised.

“You know how much I hate hospitals, at least I’ll have someone to fight with.” I rolled my eyes.

“Since you are begging for my presence, I’ll be here.” She gave me the middle finger and I smiled. “Rest well Cam.”

“Well, I almost rested in peace. Doesn’t get better than that.” I shook my head amused. “You too Danielle, oh and forget to shower.” I gave her the middle finger as I walked out from the room.

Her dad was in the hall, waiting for me.

“I heard her chuckling.”

“Yeah, we joked a little.” I smiled. “I thought I’d never hear her cute chuckle again.” Her dad hugged me.

“Your brother is waiting for you outside.”

He walked in Cam’s room, and I went to find Dave. We went home and I changed into my Pjs and fell asleep immediately.

I slept for 14 hours.

A/N: Do you think Dani deserved to get yelled at by Cam?

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