Chapter eighteen "Get lost"

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As I was about to doze off, I saw Cam’s hand moving.

“She moved.” I whispered and stood up. Her dad pulled me to sit back down.

“I saw it too, let’s sit here. We don’t want to startle her.”

I watched as she slowly opened her eyes, and looked around.

“Cam.” Her dad said quietly, and she turned to look at us. She blinked twice.

“Did I die?”

“No monkey, you didn’t.” Her dad got up and rushed to her side. “You didn’t.” He caressed her head and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“What happened?”

“Someone hurt you with a beer bottle monkey.”

“Yeah, I remember that.”

“Thankfully they found you before it was too late, and they brought you to the hospital. They have removed the glass, but you have quite a lot of stitches on your stomach.”

She moved her head a little and eyed me.

“And what are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you.” She interrupted me with a scoff.

“You are a manipulative bitch. You keep saying that you care about me, that you are worried and all these things, but it’s only words. You never do anything to prove it.” Her dad pressed the nurse button. “The only thing you know how to do properly is hurt people.”

“Cam, please…”

“No Danielle! I want you to fucking disappear. I don’t want you here.” A tear rolled down her cheek. The nurses walked in. “Go!” She yelled as loud as she could.

“Ms. Thompson, please, calm down, you just woke up.” The nurse turned to look at me. “Ms. Miller, you are upsetting her, please leave the room.”

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I stood up.

“Cam, before I go, I just want to tell you that you have every right to hate me. I wasn’t expecting anything else, but I stayed here for more than fifteen hours just to see you wake up and maybe get the chance to tell you that I love you.”

Cam was looking at me intensely.

“Fifteen hours?” I nodded. “I can tell, you look like shit.” She smirked a little and I smiled.

“I know. Oh, I almost forgot, you friend Jade stopped by.” Her eyes widened. “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you.” I shrugged.

“Of course, you don’t, how could you, you have a tinder profile.” She spat.

I closed my eyes. Fuck, she had seen my profile.

“Danielle, I think it’s time for you to leave.” Her dad said. “You can come back again tomorrow.” I nodded.

“Bye sir. Cam.”

I walked out and stood with my back against the wall, a few meters away from her room. I was trying not to cry. Her door wasn’t closed, and I could still inside oof her room. Her dad caressed her head and cheeks as the nurses moved around the room, doing their own thing. She turned her head, and we locked eyes, I looked away and left.

I called Dave to come and pick me up. He brought over her friends and picked me up. We went home and he forced me to eat spaghetti with chopped up sausage and a red sauce. Apparently, that was the best food he could cook.

“You are really quiet, any news from Cam.”

“She’s awake and hates me.” He sighed.

“Well, I’m sorry Dani, but you fucked up and now you have to work hard to fix it. I’m on your side sis and I know how much you love her, and I understand that you are dealing with things from the past that weight you down, but that’s not an excuse to hurt her every time you get triggered.”

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