one / a god watches

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APOLLO KNEW VERY WELL THAT HE WAS A TRAGIC PERSON TO LOVE. every mortal he'd ever loved had suffered some sort of sad death. he knew his happy ending would probably never come and he'd be waiting until the end of time. tragedy gravitated towards apollo like he was the sun ( which he technically was ). lovers orbited around him and when they got too close, they would die. Time and time again he'd bury the bodies of those who had once meant the world to him.

After a few thousand years, he had grown used to the feeling of emptiness that sat in his chest cavity when a lover turned to a corpse in his arms. and he barely felt the painful snap of his heartstrings when he had to look into their lifeless eyes.

but he could still hope for some sort of happy ending. one day, maybe he'd get one ----- fate foresaw some kind of ending for him relating a lover. though he wasn't sure if the ending foreseen was a good one or a bad one. apollo could only wish it was going to be the former.

After all, he deserved some happiness, didn't he?

he had commited acts of cruelty and monstrosity time and time again throughout his godhood and he had rarely ever recieved consequences for his actions ( well, his lovers succumbing to tragic fates was probably some sort of consequence ). and despite the atrocities he had done to the world ----- despite the fact he let everyone burn time and time again, he still believed he deserved some sort of happiness.

he never expected that hypothetical happiness to come in the form of a child of ares.

apollo watched the world every day as he flew over it in his sun chariot ( it was always daytime somewhere after all ) which meant he saw all. he often watched his children and he sometimes watched other demigods. most of the other gods were too cruel to look over their own children so apollo did the job for them.

he often watched the Ares kids because well. . . he never knew kids could be so much like their parents.

apollo knew all his kids were like him ----- but they mostly just shared looks. obviously they shared some of his powers but they didn't tend to have his personality ( basically they didn't have massive overinflated egos ).

but ares's kids were scarily alike to the war gods. as in, they looked similiar to him with their mean scowls, smiles so sharp they could cut through flesh and their expressions when they were mid bloodshed were practically the exact same. they also always had a weapon on them ----- a sword or their fists, either one worked just as well as the other. they had a knack for fighting everything that mildly bothered them. basically, to put in in the simplest terms, they were war thirsty rabid animals. ( perhaps it was mean to describe them in that way but it wasn't like ares would ever find out ----- apollo doubted ares cared about his kids enough to try and defend them anyway )

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