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It was time for a break before the ace battles began. Y/n stood, wincing trying not to show anyone that her knees were killing her. She walked up the stairs, closing her eyes with every step she felt like a knife stabbed right in the left knee. Bada stared across to see Y/n walking way too slowly up the stairs she started to feel curious as she seemed hurt earlier. Y/n checked the hallway and slid down to the ground allowing herself to catch her breath as the pain in her legs became even more intense. She heard footsteps coming into the hallway she immediately stood up wincing. Slowly walking to 1millions room, she watched as Bada passed with her eyebrow raised. Y/n rolled her eyes as she straightened her back and walked into the room. Gritting her teeth, she rummaged through her duffle bag for her emergency kit. She pulled out the knee straps she was hoping she didn't need so soon. She stood up thinking it wasn't smart to put the knee straps in her own team room where one of them could walk into any team and tell their leader that she was hurt. She didn't want to be a burden to the team.

Walking out of her room, her knees felt a bit better using that chance she rushed down the stairs to the entrance of the building not noticing that someone else noticed her walking out. Walking to the side of the building she heaved and sat down on the cold pavement. Pulling her pants up and wrapping the knee strap tightly. She breathed as the pain lessened. Standing up she wiggled her leg feeling it was still stiff but less painful with the support of the knee strap. Running her hand throw her hair she looked in her pocket for her pack of cigarettes as luck was not on her side today again. She lit it up taking a deep puff in and out. "There you ar-." Someone said behind the corner before they suddenly stopped Bada looked shocked seeing what her rival was doing. Y/n was shocked avoiding eye contact as she could feel Bada's eye on her. "What do u want?" Y/n huffed feeling slightly disturbed to be alone with someone who she never liked. "It's about to start." Bada motioned. Y/n sighed as she dropped the cigarette stepping on it. She walked straight past Bada who followed her right behind.

"I know you don't like me but staring at me won't make me disappear," Y/n remarked. Before Bada could answer Ling walked out with the rest of the Jam Republic " Y/n, Omg we are starting Ace battles, this still feels unreal." Ling grabbed her arm pulling her away and letting her join the Jam Republic as Bada walked feeling uncertain about what Y/n meant. She would just need to find another time to apologize to her about her past actions just like what she already did with Redy.


I sat down waving bye to the Jam Republic girls, Harimu and Amy rushed to me before I could even settle down. "Eh, you didn't tell us when you became so close with them!?" Harimu rushed as I shook my head smiling. "It's because I also speak English they feel more comfortable with me." I looked over at Redy who was quiet she was staring into the wall, she must be in deep thought. I shuffled towards her reaching for her hand. "What's on your mind Red?" I whispered. "Bada apologized to me." She replied unsurely. Hearing those words just did not make sense. The stuck-up Bada Lee apologizes to someone.


(This happened two months before Y/n left the crew)

"Hurry up Bada, your movements are sluggish make them cleaner," Girin shouted as she watched from the back looking at the mirror. I was behind her, I sighed and raised my eyebrows at Bada as this was our third time doing the routine because Bada kept making silly mistakes. "Maybe we should take a break, the main dancer clearly needs one," I say to Girin who nods. "No, it's fine I don't need one." Bada huffed as she glared at me. As the music started for the fourth time "Move back Bada move back your too forwards, You're not in line with Redy." Girin shouted as she moved back she went straight into me. Falling to my butt I glared at her as she just stared at me. "You should've moved out of the way." She muttered as Redy came in forward to help me up. "I can see everyone is getting frustrated let's just end this session here." Girin sighed.

I walked into the lockers, and Bada was there again, this situation of us being alone in the lockers is happening too often for my liking. "You could've apologized for knocking me over and fix that attitude when others are trying to help," I say not looking in her direction. She walks straight up to "If you don't think I should be the main dancer why didn't u go for it like everyone else here." Bada hissed as she leaned down to my height. "Oh right, it's because this crew is all a joke to you." She says before banging the lockers and walking out. I roll my eyes and grit my teeth before I leave the lockers as well seeing Redy waiting for me.

Flashback ends

She gripped my hand as I looked at her worriedly. "So there is more than what you told me why you and Bada stopped being friends." I asked and Redy nodded "When you left, I started hanging out with her as we've grown together and I thought we were close enough but she was always busy and always canceled plans right before they happened, I was also the only one in the friendship who messaged her she never reached out to me first and I thought she didn't like me. After I slowly stopped messaging her first we completely lost contact." She whispered, her lips trembling she must've been upset as I remember her looking up at Bada.

This is a slightly shorter chapter! I hope you enjoy it. Im so excited to see who wins the competition this time. Who do you guys think will win and whose your favourite crew? (Mine is Bebe although my favourite team is Jam Republic)

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