;; 🎊 Shit Post / Headcanons

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Vestige feels like a country man mixed a modern gentle man, but to be honest his accent would more likely be country and I feel like his whole body is either prosthetics or his a robot something like that probably

He gives off the vibe of a royal guard / king type a vibe, if he was a royal guard that has his monochromatic tone of blue I have feeling he looks handsome behind that helmet

Their name is Subject for a reason, I have feeling their either also bunch a prosthetics or a robot. Another Jojo reference (probably)

Parting & Easy Lover
Self explanatory. Jojo reference.

Hot Rash

Fiend Rider
Bad driver probably, ran over at least probably 100 people by now /j

Can't buy ice cream? No problem, just don't complain that the ice-cream is too cold

Huge robot? Huge robot.

Self explanatory as well. Also God mode who?? Man's probably stronger than Light beneath closed eyes /hj, (probably)

Ronin & Bloxxer
Brothers, I have feeling that their brothers (not biologically though) but pretty much grew up together as siblings

Dawg is literally traumatized, their upgrades gave it away tbh

Invader & (Tempo) Halt
His name (Clock Strings) says it all, along with the very fitting Tempo named Halt

Ever heard of auto aim? Yeah no, they have none of that.

Bro's slower than a turtle /j

Umbrella drill my beloved /j, much faster than Bloxxer probably

Hours x Phighting
Who's most likely to get along with :

Invader & Witness
Since Witness has a guitar I have a feeling that they will get along in the sake of music taste, meanwhile Invader I have feeling he also likes to listen to music

Ronin & Prophet
Katana gives a lot of chill but scary vibe so I have a feeling Ronin might get along with Katana since Ronin is pretty much using a katana or some sort, Prophet is like kinda stern and I have a feeling Katana is also stern in terms of his friends safety

Equinox & Subject
So the newer Medkit would possibly get along with Equinox, since there's a gut feeling that Medkit is an introvert, a potion maker meets a healer what happens? They get along

This is incomplete lolo, will make part 2 though

Roblox Hours Oneshot! [Re-opened]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt