Not far from their location, they spotted the members of the Loki familia and some people Ais and Lefiya recognized: the adventurers of the Heracles familia, who had grown into a mid-sized familia with 10 new members over the past two and a half months.

Finn was talking to them, wearing a rare smile inside the dungeon. He heard a pair of footsteps and turned, waving at Ais and Lefiya.

"Well... It was good running into you guys," Denki bowed at Finn and bid his farewell. He now exuded a maturity in his voice, a result of being thrust into a leadership role over the past two months. They had reached as far as the 27th floor during their daily dungeon dives but were stuck due to only having two level 3.

Finn nodded and smiled. "Likewise... Don't be a stranger now."

As Denki, along with the members of the Heracles familia, started to make their way up, Bete's voice cut in, making them halt in their tracks.

"Oi!.. How is he?" Bete's voice carried a harsh tone, but those who knew the werewolf could discern a slight undercurrent of worry and concern.

Ais and the rest of the Loki familia also strained their ears to hear the young samurai's answer. They too were concerned about the savior of Orario.

Denki glanced back, wearing an exhausted smile on his face, a face filled with pressure and commitment. "...He's getting better," he replied as confidently as he could.

'The same answer as always, huh?' Ais thought as she clenched her fist. There was a pang in her heart when she heard Denki's tone.

Finn caught a glimpse of the emotion that flickered across Ais' face. 'Well... I can't say I understand how you feel, Ais... Losing a rival,' he thought, forcing himself to withhold his sigh to avoid offending the members of the Heracles familia.

"Tsk!" Bete, on the other hand, wasn't subtle. Like Ais, he considered August his rival as well. He turned around with an ugly scowl on his face and walked away.

Denki let out a restrained sigh. He wanted to convey the message that even without their captain and strongest member, the Heracles familia remained strong and that August was on the path to recovery.

"Well... We must go now. We wouldn't want Lord Heracles to scold us for being late again," Denki smiled and bowed politely once more as he and the members of the Heracles familia disappeared from Loki familia's view.


In the streets of Orario, a young boy covered in red sprinted through the streets, leaving a trail of blood drops behind him. Onlookers couldn't help but laugh at his appearance. Some vendors scowled and yelled angrily as blood splashed onto their wares, while children pointed and giggled as he passed.

His image was undeniably amusing, a testament to his misfortune as an adventurer. His face beamed with a wide grin, even though his skin and clothes were stained with blood. One glance was enough to recognize him as an adventurer, albeit an unfortunate one due to his appearance. His destination? The adventurers guild.

Inside the guild, a young elf with a bob-cut was making her way in. She was one of the guild's employees.

"MISS EINA!!!" A jovial voice rang out, making the elf turn.

"Bell, how was y-" She paused when she saw the young adventurer, covered in blood, running toward her, hands flailing in the air. "BELL?!!" Her surprise was evident, her smile fading into a cringe.

"MISS EINA!!! TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT AIS WALLENSTEIN!!!" Bell, seemingly oblivious to his appearance, continued running with a goofy smile on his face, his singular goal being to learn everything about his savior, Ais Wallenstein.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن