If you can't come to me, I'll come to you.

286 5 8

TW// Attempted $u1cid3 ⚠️

3rd Person POV:

It has been a couple of weeks since Computers death. Many have moved on, expect for one.

Computers best friend, Skull. All Skull would do is stay in bed all day. To tired to do anything, even to tired to play fortnite. Computer was Skulls best friend and only true friend he had. But with him gone, he has no one. As Skull was sobbing over Computer, he heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. He slowly got up and left his room, walking towards the kitchen. He turned the kitchen light on and covered his eyes, he wasn't used to bright lights since his room would be pitch black. Once he adjusted, he noticed something shiny on the floor. He slowly walked up to it, noticing a knife on the floor.

Skull POV:

I stare at the knife for a bit before picking it up. I began to sob, all I could think about was Computer. I miss him so much, he was my only friend, the only one I ever cared about. We could of had more time together if I didn't get mad over some stupid fortnite event, it wasn't the end of the world. I still don't know why Computer forgave me, I didn't deserve it. But he promised, he promised he would play fortnite with me. He lied, he lied to me! Why...

"C-Computer.. I'm s-so sorry... I don't know why I got mad over some s-stupid event." I sobbed as I continued to hold the knife.

"If you can't come to me, I'll come to you..." I said holding the knife towards my chest. Tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall.

"What... What am I doing..? He wouldn't want this, C-Computer wouldn't want this." I sobbed as I dropped the knife. I leaned against the fridge, slowly falling to the floor. I continued to sob, soon falling asleep.

Sorry it's short, I was originally gonna put that Computer would of stopped him but like he probably would of been fully ascended already. 😞 ok good night don't let the bed bugs bite

Skullputer Oneshots! (?) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon