Chapter 53 - Flames of Desperation

Start from the beginning

Kol chuckles at Faith's words. 

"I've just been thinking," he says, tapping the pendant with his finger. "I never thought I'd have magic again and now that I do, I want to make sure I use it wisely."

Faith nods, understanding in her eyes. "I get it, Uncle Kol."

"What are you doing back here, Faith?" Kol asks her with raised brows.

"Marcel got all the ingredients that he needed for me to bring Davina back from his pendant." Faith explains with a hint of excitement in her voice. "He just needs my help to cast the spell."

Kol nods, feeling happy for his niece. "That's great news, Faith. I'm glad you're able to help bring Davina back."

Faith's expression turns serious as she looks at her uncle. "Where is Kelsey?"

Kol gives her a grin, "She had a meeting with some of her vampires, but she should be back soon."

Faith nods, but her eyes narrow slightly. "Is everything okay between you two?"

Kol sighs, feeling guilty about his recent behavior towards Kelsey. "We had a little disagreement, but we'll work it out."

Faith nods, but the look on her face tells Kol that she's not entirely convinced. But before Faith can say anything else on the matter, she gets a message and frowns slightly.

"Where is my dad?" Faith asks as she looks back at Kol.

Kol's smile fades at the question, "I don't Faith. I haven't seen him for weeks. Not since Elijah and Henrik left New Orleans."

Faith's expression changes from concern to frustration. "He really needs to stop disappearing like this. He promised that he would stop doing it."

Kol nods, "I know, Faith. I'll keep an eye out for him."

Faith sighs, running a hand through her newly pink hair. "Thanks, Uncle Kol. I just worry about him sometimes."

"I know you do," Kol says, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But your dad is a tough guy. He can take care of himself. Even if couldn't he has his family and friends who care him."

Faith nods, but her worry doesn't fully dissipate. "I know. I just wish my dad would realize that too."

Kol nods in agreement, but before he can say anything, the door opens and Shaun walks in. He looks at Faith and gives her a nod.

"I gotta go, Uncle Kol." Faith says as she starts to stand to leave.

Kol sees the look that Shaun gave her and grabs Faith's arm before she can walk off.

"What are you doing, kiddo?" Kol questions, knowing that anything that has Shaun's hand in it, meant bad things.

Faith looks at Kol's hand on her arm and then back up at him. Faith pulls her arm out of Kol's grasp and gives him a small smile. "Don't worry, Uncle Kol. I know what I am doing."

"Faith," Kol says, his voice stern. "Whatever it is, it's not worth putting yourself in danger."

Faith's smile turns into a frown as she looks at Kol. "I'm not a kid anymore, Uncle Kol. I can take care of myself."

Kol lets out a heavy sigh as he watches Faith walk away.

"Faith, wait," Kol says, but Faith has already left the room, leaving Kol with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

He knows that Faith can be impulsive at times, and he worries about what she might be getting herself into with Shaun. He knows that there is no stopping her when she has her mind set on something, just like her mother.

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