Esoteric (Pt. I) - K. HR x Reader

Start from the beginning

Today, she was a girl who I wanted to ask on a date.

"Wait what?!" I asked myself.

It was an unexpected thought.

Soon, I arrived at my destination and headed to class.

I was having a hard time concentrating.

I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the girl from the bus.

I found myself being distracted at work too.

"Hey, Intern!" My boss suddenly yelled at me.

"Y-yes, Sir!" I answered, trying to drag myself out of my thoughts.

"If you're too tired to pay attention, then go get yourself a coffee!" He angrily ordered.

My boss knew I wasn't a coffee drinker, but he seemed too agitated with me to really care. It seemed more like he wanted me to excuse myself so I could stop embarrassing him.

I excused myself and made my way down to the coffee shop on the first floor.

When I arrived downstairs, I noticed the limo that would arrive at the same time each afternoon.

I never knew who arrived in it each day, but I knew they had to be important.

Soon enough, I found out who it was.

It was that girl from the bus

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It was that girl from the bus.

"Guess she's not poor after all," I thought to myself.

I watched as the girl made her way to the coffee shop, put on an apron, and started taking orders.

"Maybe she owns the shop?" I thought to myself.

Either way, I got in line to make an order.

"What would you like?" The girl asked.

I was very surprised by the sound of her voice. I had been imagining her voice all day and it sounded nothing like what I thought.

"Can I ask you a question?" I unconsciously asked.

"Sure?" The girl seemed a bit confused.

"Why do you show up to work in a limo, but take the bus every morning?" I hesitated a bit.

- Haerin POV -

The company's long time intern seemed a bit odd.

I had seen them around a lot and I knew that they weren't a coffee drinker, so I found their presence at the coffee shop a bit odd.

"Why do you show up to work in a limo, but take the bus every morning?" The intern asked.

It was a very intrusive question.

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