Chapter VIII

Depuis le début

"I'm sure she'll love it no matter what" Carlisle assured. "Ugh, get a whiff of that" Alice rolled her eyes at Rosalie's comment when we joined her family in the kitchen.

"Here comes the human" Esme smiled and walked towards the new couple. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you"

Bella returned the smile nervously, her monotone look not easing the tension that lingered in the air. Thankfully, Edward broke the uncomfortable silence, by introducing his family to her. "Bella, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes"

"Buongiorno" Bella said and in response, Emmett waved at her with a kitchen knife. "Emmett, what the fuck" I quietly said.

"My adoptive father Carlisle and my siblings Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice" He pointed to each of them until his finger stopped in front of me. "And your best friend who was suddenly just there" Bella caught sight of me just now, confusion written over her face. "Heyy" I smirked at her. "Hey Bella" Alice went up to hug the girl.

"Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him" Carlisle excused his son as he noticed Bella being intimidated by his stare. "It's a pleasure to meet you" He forced his words out.

"It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her" Alice assured him sweetly, her eyes holding a trustful look.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time" The oldest vampire told her. "I hope you're hungry" Bella smiled, "Yeah absolutel-"

"She already ate" Edward cut in.

In a swift second, we all were watching how Rosalie smashed the bowl in her hands to pieces. "Perfect" She snarled. "Yeah, it's just because I know you guys don't eat so-" Bella's attempt to explain was effortless, when Esme came to her defense. "Of course, that's very considerate of you"

"Just ignore Rosalie, I do" Edward whispered to his girlfriend, purposely provoking Rosalie more. "Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us. We already have a human here, we don't need another one" Alice looked at me, knowing I felt bad for Bella and took my hand in hers.

"I would never tell anyone anything" Bella spoke up for herself- no use. "She knows that" Carlisle tried to calm his children.

"Yeah well, the problem is you two have gone public now, so-"

"Emmett" His mother warned him. "No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly" But she was right. And I know for a fact that I do not want, nor intend to lose Alice, as much as i'm sorry for my best friend.

"Badly, as in.. I would become the meal" Bella joked, which didn't really lightened the mood, except for the boys who pressed their lips together in order not to laugh. "All right, uhm I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house" Edward announced her luck, dragging her away from the unsettling atmosphere. "I'll see you soon" Alice called after her.

"Clean this up, now" Rosalie looked as if she would explode any minute, but did it anyways.

"Let me help you" I moved to her and helped her collect the pieces of the shattered bowl.


Maybe Alice noticed I was tense, perhaps she did not. But the empath for sure did.

"Everything okay?" Jasper questioned in a hushed voice as he came to take place next to me. "Yes, just in thoughts that's all" I was telling the truth, cause I was in fact thinking about when I should tell them, but the right moment just didn't seem to come.

The air still seemed thick in the house, no one dared to say anything, not wanting war to break out.

He nodded and walked over to Emmett, Alice taking his place next to me. "They're coming down again" She spoke, glancing towards the stairs, where they soon would walk down.

Bella and Edward were holding hands as she walked back to the kitchen to say goodbye.

"It was nice to meet you" Esme said and wrapped her in a motherly hug. "You too- ouch, shit" She gritted through her teeth, after she accidently cut herself on a piece of glass that was missed on the kitchen counter.

The strong smell of Bella's blood entered my nose as I took a deep breath, my body shaking in fear while I tried my best to contain myself from jumping at her.

"Hold Jasper back" Carlisle shouted in an instant while he and Emmett ran towards him, grabbing him tightly so he can't hurt Bella.

Alice remained to stay by my side, hoping my grip on her hand could distract her enough to forget about the human's blood.

It took the pixie a good few seconds before she noticed how my hands shook harder by each passing by, when she sensed that in reality, it was me who was fully distracted by the substance dripping out of Bellas hand.

"Nillia, are you okay?" She queried, her voice held a tone of worry while she struggled to focus on me.

I couldn't find the strength to answer. My eyes were focused on the brunette's pale arm, it almost started to hurt at how much I concentrated.

"Nillia" Esme spoke a tad louder, not sure whether she should be focused on her son who was basically screaming in bloodthirst, or me, who was slowly standing up from her seat.

"I knew it" Edward snarled as a low growl escaped my mouth. He was fully ready to tear me apart, now that he knew he could.

Fortunately for me I was faster, dodging the furious vampire and jumping at Bella, followed by screams coming from her, Esme and my mate.

Edward grabbed me by my shoulders, pushing me off Bella with all his strength. He threw a punch in my direction but I turned myself invisible causing him to seem overwhelmed with confusion and anger. "What the fuck" He growled, looking around. But there I was again, jumping at Bella for a second time.

"NILLIA STOP" Alice yelled, and to my own surprise I did. I stopped and looked Bella in the eyes. "Fuck" I ran out of the Cullen home, my eyes glossy from tears. I lost control again, and this time on my best friend.

"Nillia wait" Alice shouted, running after me. "No, leave me alone" I yelled, fastening my pace so I could loose her while I continued to run deep into the forest.

Luckily she didn't find me and I could sit with my thoughts in silence like I always did.

That lasted five minutes.

"Nillia?" Alice's gentle voices echoed through the forest. "Oh my God, there you are" She approached me with light steps and sat down on the grass. "I thought I wouldn't find you, your scent is still new to me" She said.

"You can smell me?" I asked, my eyes being locked to the ground. "Edward can already hear your vampiric thoughts" She smiled a little.

"Why didn't you tell me? You know you can trust me" Now she was the one to lift my chin after these words. "I wanted to, I swear" I told her quietly.

"I almost killed her Alice" My eyes watered which wasn't really hard to miss. "Oh love" Alice pulled me in her embrace and kissed my head. We stayed in this position for a few minutes, until she spoke up again.

"Your gift is hiding?" She asked while her hand ran up and down my arm. "Yeah, that's why you couldn't figure out" I explained. "But now that it's out, you will also have visions of me as a vampire" She smiled at the thought.

"You know it's not your fault right?" The pixie said, referring to Bella. "It is. If I would've told you earlier, you would have had the chance to hold me back" Alice sighed. "You were still uncomfortable and that's not a reason to blame you" I didn't know what to answer. She was being so sweet and understanding.

"That means that I don't like you any less now, Nillia. It was an accident"


Word count: 1850

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