Meeting the new roommates

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Fury was shown in her and Draculauras form but this year they had two new roommates as she was shown jamming to her music with her head phones on as she was putting up clothes before a cough was heard making her turn around seeing her new roommates waving.

"Hi my name is fury nice to meet you and nice to see you again Frankie"she says kindly with a smile as she takes off her skull phones and tossing them on her bed.

"Hi"Frankie waves excited with a smile.

"I see you two have already met and my name is clawdeen and I see your a werewolf to"the purple highlighted hair wolf says with a smile.

"Nice to meet you to clawdeen and yes I am"fury says happy to meet another werewolf in each part of the room was decorated to there personalities Frankie was electric and bolts with sceince tools, clawdeens were decorated like a forest, furys was made into like a den with fur blankets and her best friend was acoss from in a traditional decorated as her coffin which she was in rest in the corner.

"I'm Frankie I'm only 15 days olds"Frankie says with a smile as she introduced her self to clawdeen who smiles "hi clawdeen she/her nice to meet you to"clawdeen says as she wore a open purple jack with a shit covered in crescent moons with a crescent moon necklace as she wore a skirt with boots as she had brownish purple curly hair with a periceing in her ear with light dark skin while Frankie had grey with some light blue highlights and black hair straight with the other side section with pinned braids as she wore a black top with a pick long sleeve button up shirt with a yellow plaid skirt with different designs with a chain belt that hangs from the side with gray style stockings with boots as her skin was light blue with yellow bolt earrings 

"My full name is Frankie Stein I was just created by my parents, but not in the way that others are created by there parents like werewolves I was actually made in the lab using some of the worlds most impressive historical figures part"she explained with a smile before a spark physically goes off on her head with a ding"did you know that the word werewolf comes from the old English werwulf, although many believe the original origin is Norse varuilfur which is heard to say. It means one in wolfs skin"she says with a big smile.

"Nice"fury says impressed by her knowledge as she grins.

Clawdeen nods her head "I did not know any of that"she says with a laugh. Frankie then looks confused "I didn't know I knew any of that"she says before smiling again"I've got a bunch of famous brain parts in my head like Einstein,Marie curie, Plato, some lady named Liz who apparently invented the Internet but didn't get cried for it i guess ive got all tge knowledge to know"she says with a smile as she pointed her finger against her head before it literally fell off as Frankie picks it back up as she sits it back on place"oh sorry loose joints"she says twisting her finger back on.

"So is it just us three "clawdeen says.

"Actually four of us my best friend over there is the one with the coffin "fury says as they all face the coffin.

"How can we tell if there home"clawdeen asked with her head tilted as fury goes to reply but Frankie beats her to it.

"Maybe we knock"she says with a smile as fury winced before the coffin slams open showing draculaura holds a set of clothes in her arms"never knock on a closed coffin"she says stepping down from her coffin over to her dresser.

"Hi I'm clawdeen and this is Frankie and fury already explained how you two were best friends and we are y'all's two new--"clawdeen says with a smile before draculaura cuts her off "roommates welcome I'm draculaura and you've already met fury. Is this y'all's two first time sharing a dorm room"she asked.

Frankie and clawdeen nod there heads"yeah "both say with smiles.

"Okay great let's talk about ground rules and don't take this the wrong way I'm just a private person you can even ask fury"draculaura says as clawdeen and Frankie turn to fury who nods her head before they turn back to draculaura "this part of the room is mine and that side is fury's and those two side over there our yours got it"she says.

Clawdeen nods her head with a smile"yeah"she says.

"Wow"they all turn to see Frankie inside the coffin "do you think of this as like a house or a bed"she says as draculaura walks over to her coffin shuuing Frankie out"okay okay out my side remember"she steps into her coffin turning to clawdeen and Frankie "you know the type of monster who loves to be surrounded with others survey feel a real sense of connection and community"she asked the two as they nod there heads"yes thats why I'm here"clawdeen says with a smile.

"Yeah I'm not one of those monsters well besides to fury so please keep to y'all's sides of the room and I won't have to drink all your blood out"she says before closing her coffin before opening it again"and no garlic even garlic powder or anchovies because there gross"she says before closing her coffin again.

"She fun"clawdeen says.

"She is one you get to know her don't worry she'll warm up to y'all now it's time for me to sleep we have a very eventful first day tomorrow"fury says with a smile before going over to her den as she crawls up on her bed before getting comfortable as she falls asleep.

"Shes right first day of class tomorrow I'm all charged up or. I will be"Frankie says with a smile as she sits in some type of Chair as she puts the head piece on her head as she charges up as electricity was zapping.

Clawdeen smiles before starting to unpack her bag before grabbing a picture of her and her father "remember the school is serious about keeping humans out"she remembers her father's words before looking back at her roommates who were asleep before looking back down at the picture before sitting it back in her bag as she takes a deep breath.

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