“It doesn’t make you squeamish … because you are a bit of a girl, Kitty,” James grinned childishly.

“Oh, well spotted,” she quipped sarcastically. “No, it doesn’t make me squeamish. It shows me and everyone that knows that he is an incredibly brave man. He endured such pain to save someone who was of a lesser rank than him.”

“Amputation is truly marvellous if you ask me,” Little J chimed in. “For hundreds of years lives have been saved by simply removing a limb. Years ago people just died from their wounds because they didn’t know that someone could live without an arm or a leg. And nowadays the false legs can be crafted to look just like real legs. It’s absolutely fascinating.”

Kitty, Emilia and James all stared at Little J.

She pursed her lips self – consciously. “Or so I’ve heard. What? I read a lot!”

Emilia laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, dear, the facts that you inform us with teach us all so much.”

“Thank you, mama,” Little J sighed, sounding disheartened. “It is because I’m female that I sound ridiculous? Nobody would ever rely on me because of my sex, could they?”

Kitty hated how her younger sister felt ridiculed because of her intelligence. She hated how society damned women to kitchens and nursery’s whilst men were allowed to do whatever they wanted. One day she would like to vote on who would be prime minister – but that would never happen. They lived in a man’s world.

“Little J, how could you say such things?” Emilia gasped. “You know we’ve always encouraged your mind. You are so bright, Little J!”

 “Don’t ever let anybody make you feel as though you aren’t worthy of what you want, Little J. If they do then you will report them directly to me,” James spoke defensively.

Little J looked at her brother gratefully. Kitty was surprised at the sudden show of affection that her brother displayed. There weren’t many men that would defend a woman with cleverness in her acquaintance, but she was glad her brother was one of them.

“Now why can’t you behave as wisely when it comes to Snooty Smith?” her mother said exasperatedly.

Kitty giggled as James rolled his eyes. She was sure the Sarah Smith debacle would sort itself out in due course.

William was sweating bullets as Sebastian led him into his study. The Earl was wearing a black mourning coat with matching black slacks and boots. It made him feel exceptionally guilty thinking how many people had gone into mourning for him.

Sebastian took a seat in the big leather chair behind the large, mahogany desk which left the smaller chairs before the desk for him. He chose the one on the left and sat down silently.

Sebastian’s dark blue eyes bore into him. It was alarming how they mirrored Kitty’s yet the looks that came out of them were completely different. Sebastian took a deep breath and seemed to wait for William to begin.

“I know I must apologise to you, Lord Ethridge. When I made the decision I did not imagine the repercussions. I now know it was a foolish decision,” he began sincerely.

“It was,” he answered sternly. He did not give anything away, it was as if he wanted William to beg for his forgiveness.

“I know I hurt Kitty with my decision, but at the time I truly thought it best,” he continued. “It was before a leg was made for me, before I knew I would be able to walk with some normality. If I’d have known all these things back then the letter would have never been sent. But you’ve got to understand, I woke up with a piece of me missing. My leg was gone. Some doctor had hacked it off when I had been unconscious. I was in shock … I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “Obviously.”

William sighed. “Kitty has forgiven me, is that not enough for you? I know you are a nobleman and I’m just a military man but I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Kitty was gone,” he retorted immediately. “My exasperatingly lively daughter was gone. She didn’t eat or sleep. She just lay on her bed staring out of the window.”

William felt immediately guilty for his snide comment. This man was only looking out for his daughter the same way he would always look out for his son. It was a paternal thing. “It was a mistake, one I will pay for, for the rest of my life. I missed my son’s birth.”

“Raising her, it was a triumph if we could get her to sit still for more than ten minutes. They went through about seven governesses in the blink of an eye. She’s … one of a kind. Like any of my children, I won’t see any of them hurt.”

William knew very well how unique Kitty was. She accepted a husband with a false leg. She was incredible. “I won’t hurt her, not again. I won’t ever leave her. I won’t ever leave them both. I love them, more than anything.”

“I don’t care if I hang. If you hurt my little girl again I will kill you in the slowest and most painful way I possibly can. I’ll scrape your innards out with a spoon.” Sebastian’s serious glare never faltered so William knew he was completely serious.

“I understand, sir,” he replied formally.

Sebastian smiled slightly before his serious look returned. “How are you adjusting?” he asked, nodding toward his leg.

“Slowly but surely. I’m not a fast walker, I won’t ever run, but I can move. It is better than being bedridden. I have it better than a lot of people.” He was getting used to the leg. He hoped sooner rather then later he would have a somewhat normal walking pattern.

“Are you to remain in the navy?”

“I don’t know. I’m going to go and speak to my superiors tomorrow. I need to give a report on the loyalty of my men as well as a full account of what happened. I want to get Commander Gates a higher rank. As for me, well, I don’t know what they’ll want to do with me. I don’t want to ever go out on a voyage again. My priorities lie here.”  

Sebastian seemed satisfied with his answer. “Good,” he approved. “If the navy does not want you, then I’m sure there is something around here we could have you do. Are you any good with management?”

“As in monetary management?” William checked.

“I do the managing of my estate myself. You should have seen the state of it when I inherited. I’ve completely turning it around. But it would be nice not to have to worry about doing it all myself. It’s just something to think about, you are my son – in – law, after all.” Sebastian rose from his chair and walked around to the other side of the desk. “But something tells me you are not the type of man who enjoys sitting behind a desk and writing papers all day.”

William shook his head. “To be honest, no. The navy held a purpose for me.”

“Then I’m sure they will have something for you to do,” he concluded. “A decorated captain, such as yourself, will not be discarded. Now come along. No doubt the family thinks I’ve murdered you. I’ve got to go and grovel to my wife. She thinks what you did for Kitty was outrageously romantic.”

William smiled a small smile. He knew Sebastian was still cautious – any good father would be – but he thought he understood. He also believed Sebastian trusted him not to hurt Kitty again. He didn’t doubt the Earl’s threat to gut him with a spoon if he did.



In an insanely good mood as my football team just won :D 35 point win in the opening match of the season BOO YAH!!

But anyways, hope you liked this chapter. The next chapter will be where he and Kitty go to the navy to explain things. There will be a surprise guest and a surprise result. It will be the last chapter before the epilogue and then I'll be onto "Saving Sabine" :)

Vote and comment :)

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