Chapter 11: Yamai sister

Start from the beginning

Tohka: (Y/N)!! I'm here to-

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Tohka: (Y/N)!! I'm here to-

Origami: (Y/N), let me treat y-

Tohka and Origami stopped talking abruptly as they saw me being sandwiched by Kaguya and Yuzuru. I sweated profusely as they stared at us.

Tohka: What are you two doing to (Y/N)?!

Origami: Let him go immediately!!

Tohka and Origami got defensive and tried to get them to release me. Kaguya looked at Tohka and Origami with a sly smile.

Kaguya: So you two are trying to stop us, Yamai sisters, from having fun with (Y/N)?

Kaguya replied with a confident tone. Then Yuzuru followed her with a taunt.

Yuzuru: Sneer: How bold you two are, to attempt to stop us, Yamai sisters.

Yuzuru stared right back at Tohka and Origami, making sure to talk with a seductive and playful tone while hugging and pressing her body against me. I could feel my hand being squished by their boobs. Tohka saw this and got more defensive as well as Origami.

Tohka: I don't care how bold I am, Let (Y/N) go!!

Origami: Release him, Immediately.

Tohka and Origami repeated their words one more time.

Kaguya: Kukuku, That's too bad because we have no intentions of letting you two interfere!! HA!!

Kaguya picked up one of the nearby pillows and threw it at Tohka and Origami.

Tohka/Origami: !!!

Both of them moved out of the way as the pillow missed the target and hit the wall.

Tohka: You!!!

Tohka picked up that pillow and threw it at Kaguya with scary force. She might have used a 'little' reiryoku with that throw. Kaguya was surprised by the speed of the pillow flying toward her and accidentally let out a cute scream.

Kaguya: Kya!!

Before the pillow could hit her, Yuzuru threw another pillow and deflected it, making Tohka's pillow miss the target and hit the wall... leaving a big crack on the wall. I looked at the wall and pillow in fear. Not just me but Kaguya too, both of our faces turned blue at the sight before she quickly recovered.

Kaguya: You!!

(Y/N): Kaguya wait!!

I tried to make her stop, but I wasn't fast enough, and she started using her reiryoku as well. The pillow flew toward Tohka at high speed. Tohka immediately dodged by jumping to the roof before dashing at Kaguya with a pillow in her hand. Kaguya smirked confidently and blocked Tohka's attack with her own pillow, meanwhile, Origami jumped toward me and pushed me down.

Origami: Get down!

(Y/N): Ack!!

She sat on top of me in a very dangerous way. She looked down at me and asked in worry.

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