Chapter 9 Changes

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(A/N: This is after Shido seal Kotori. Since (Y/N) delay Origami for a day, she lost her chance of investigating about Ifrit)


Silence. Just silence. Nothing can be heard - not the sound of the wind, a busy street, or even a spacequake alarm. Nothing at all. In a certain house... well, half-house... scratch that. A mountain of debris and rubble remains in a place once known as the (L/N) residence. (Y/N) (L/N), the owner of the house, looks blankly at what remains of his once-called home. Behind him are two people responsible for creating such a mess.

Tohka: Um, (Y/N)?

Tohka calls out to (Y/N), but he doesn't respond. She starts to worry.

Yoshinon: (Y/N)?

Yoshino: (Y/N), are you okay?

Still no response. Now, all of them are getting worried. Their powers slowly start leaking out. Tohka glows purple as her surroundings slowly crumble, and the ground around Yoshino turns cold, gradually transforming into ice. (Y/N) sighs loudly, making both of them flinch and momentarily stop their powers from going out of control. He walks 'inside' from the entrance gate, and the others follow behind him, unsure of what to do. He looks around and starts searching under the rubble. Yoshino approaches from behind, curious.

Yoshinon: What are you doing?

Yoshinon ask and this time (Y/N) provides an answer.

(Y/N): I'm searching to see if there's anything I can salvage from this.

Tohka: Do you need help?

(Y/N): No, I'm good. For now, sit there.

(Y/N) says, pointing to a mountain of rubble that has piled up.

Tohka: B-but...

(Y/N): No but. Sit there patiently until I'm done.

(Y/N) says sternly, making Tohka sad. She looks down at the floor as her eyes fill with tears, fighting back the tears that threaten to fall. Tohka feels a hand on her palm, looks, and sees Yoshino holding her hand, but her face can't be seen as her hood covers it. Both of them don't realize that they're destroying and freezing their surroundings. They move to the mountain of rubble and sit there, hugging each other, trying their best not to cry. Most of the rubble has now turned to dust or completely frozen. (Y/N) takes one last look before he sighs once more. He turns around and sees Tohka and Yoshino surrounded by ice and destruction.

(Y/N): Tohka, Yoshino.

(Y/N) calls them, but they don't listen as they are too focused on stopping tears from falling. Once more, (Y/N) sighs loudly, which is a bad idea as the surroundings grow colder and more destructive. He takes a deep breath despite the cold and shouts.


Finally, both of them are pulled out of their thoughts and turn to see (Y/N) looking at them. He calls for them to come over. Still feeling sad, they both walk slowly, their hands intertwined. They stop right in front of him, still surrounded by ice and destruction, but oddly enough, it doesn't hurt (Y/N). (Y/N) looks at the two before he sighs once more.

(Y/N): Are you two hurt?

He asks as gently as possible. They shake their heads, signaling 'no'. He gently pats them on their heads.

(Y/N): Is that so? Then that's good.

The two finally look up from the ground and are met with a warm and worried smile on (Y/N)'s face. Both of them have confused expressions.

Tohka: A-are you not m-mad?

Tohka sobs a little in between her word. (Y/N) sees this and wipes the tear in the corner of her eye, before looking serious.

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