Chapter 13: Surprises!

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Reine POV

I stand in front of the class, writing on the whiteboard while explaining.

Reine: So, if you take X and multiply it by Y, you get the altitude of S1. Then you take S1 and add M2, multiply it by M, and divide by W. That's how you get the value and speed of the satellite.

I finish writing and explaining how to do the calculation. I turn around to look at them and ask.

Reine: Any questions?

A few of them raise their hands, and I answer all of them. Just in time, the school bell rings, signaling the end of school. I pack my teaching materials and inform them that we will be discussing the answer in the next class. Then I head to the teacher's office to help Okamine-sensei deal with the necessary paperwork since it's almost time for the Tenou Festival. While making my way to the teacher's office, I hear a familiar voice just around the corner on the stairway.

Origami: What is it? Could it be that you can't hold yourself any longer and wish to take me right here and right now? I'm ready.

As always, Tobiichi Origami is straightforward and bold as usual. With this, I already know who's the person she's talking to even without having to look. As if to confirm my suspicion, I hear another voice replying to her, sounding flustered.

(Y/N): That's not what I want to talk about! Stop trying to take off your clothes!!

Unconsciously, I smile as an image of him looking flustered crosses my mind, and at the same time, my hand moves to caress the dream catcher that's hanging around my neck. The image disappears as quickly as it appears, as well as my smile, and my hand falls to my sides. I keep listening to their conversation.

Origami: I see. What a pity.

(Y/N): Anyway, I want to ask you something.

Origami: What is it?

(Y/N): Actually...

They're probably whispering, as their voices aren't as clear as before. I try to make out what they're saying, but the speaker rings out and masks their voices.

Speaker: To all students, Please gather in the gymnasium. I repeat, To all students, please gather in the gymnasium, Immediately.

By the time the speaker is done, both of them are already done whispering and now talking back normally.

Origami: I'm sorry, this is all I know.

(Y/N): It's fine. This is enough, thank you.

Then I can hear their footsteps going downstairs, probably heading to the gym. I continue my way to the teacher's office. While on the way, I couldn't help but try to figure out what they were talking about. Unfortunately, I'm unable to come to a solid conclusion as I reach my destination. I enter the room and am greeted by Okamine-sensei.

Okamine: Ah, Reine-san, Thank you for your hard work.

Reine: You too, Okamine-san.

I sit down at my desk and do the paperwork.

Time skip

I finish all the necessary paperwork and head home. I enter our shared home with (Y/N) and the girls, then I take off my shoes and place them on the rack.

Reine: I'm home.

(Y/N): Welcome back.

I hear (Y/N)'s voice coming from the kitchen, along with the smell of something delicious. As I make my way to my room, I peek inside the living room and see Tohka and Yoshino are watching TV, while the Yamai siblings are playing games on their phones. Meanwhile, (Y/N) is cooking in the kitchen. I reach my room, take a shower, change my attire, and head back to the living room just in time for dinner.

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