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Hi everyone! I'm back with another story! Now I need you guys to understand this is purely fiction and should not be a representation of what they are in reality. Please take everything with a pinch of salt but other than that I hope you guys enjoy the story!

Till next time :)


Haerin's POV

Today is a special day... No not the special occasions you were thinking of but it's more silly like it's the last day of my job hunting plus this is my LAST interview... I never thought finding a job could be this hard... I graduated top of the class with amazing grades, filled out my resumes with a lot of different commitments and qualifications but somehow I'm still unemployed...

I feel queasy... My academic achievements couldn't be that bad right? If I recall correctly, my friend Danielle said that I have one of the top few qualifications of Korea... It's really a mystery how I am still unemployed... ANYWAY... I've faced many rejections throughout my life, the competition in Korea is no joke...

As I arrive at the gigantic building that loomed over me, I could see people hustling to get into the building to avoid being late and getting a percentage of their salary deducted for their poor time management. I walk into the building and explained I was here for the job application interview and I was soon brought to a office filled with other hopeful candidates, but the number of candidates gave me a huge shock...

A hundred? One hundred candidates fighting for one spot. My luck couldn't get any worse... I slump down my seat as I blank out. Everyone looks professional, their suit, fitting to their size. Their tie neatly placed, Shirt carefully ironed... I feel like I'm in the wrong place. I can't win, No way. They're like so confident... Sigh...

To avoid any mishaps from happening and affecting my already pathetic chances, I look down, nervously playing with my fingers, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Though, being the introvert that I am, I could feel as though everyone in the room had their eyes lingering on me... Is it because I'm the youngest applicant? Or is it because I look easy? Or did they think I had some connections and hence I'm here?

I shake my head to get rid of the unwanted thoughts. "You got this Kang Haerin, think of this as a normal school interview with your teachers! " I muttered and cheer myself on.

"Are you mentally ill?"

I flinch and turn behind towards the source of the voice. Lo and behold, A tall and handsome guy decked out in designer clothes stared at me. I give a polite bow and turn around.

"Are you mute now? I'm talking to you, why aren't you replying?"

I bite my lips nervously and was about to turn around again till I heard my name being called.

"Next! Kang Haerin!"

I quickly stood up and walked towards the conference room where the interview was being held. I take a deep breath and opened the door to see a lady sitting on a chair and she was facing away from me.

"Sit down and we may begin."

A deep and raspy voice sounded out and it caught me by surprise as I flinch on the spot. But I quickly collect myself and walk to the chair beside her.

I sit down in the chair and before I could get comfy, the lady turns around and I gape in shock. There she was, the legendary Kim Minji. The CEO and founder of Kim's Co, Tall, Hot, Beautiful, Cold, Cruel, Talented, Rich, Player... I could go on and on about her, why? Not because I was a stalker but because she was really famous in my school, she graduated top of the school like me but she was far more competent and smart. She started Kim's Co while she was in school and once she graduated, she focused fully on the company and in Korea, you could practically say that there are four companies that run the industries, the Kim's, the Marsh's, The Pham's, and the Lee's. So that's pretty impressive...

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