Chapter 10: Present

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Shu willed himself to still when his hand slipped down his arm, intervening their fingers together in a lover's embrace. He felt his other hand reaching for the single knot holding his clothes together and Shu sighed, a long sound of absolute defeat when the doors snapped open and a single figure rushed in.

"My, my what do we have here?" Free's voice was symphony to his ears, but there was a sense of dread settling in his stomach. He couldn't afford to further displease his mother.

The consort drew away as if he was struck and spun around to meet the eyes of the prince through the darkness. "You must be the famous consort trying to get a taste of a young boy."

"Y-Your Highness!?" The man stammered, staggering off his bed. Shu couldn't see his expression when Free leaned against the man and whispered something in his ear. The man stiffened, then relaxed and nodded vigorously. Bowed deeply to the prince and walked out of the room. Shu blinked and marvelled. The power Free held was daunting. He could pull one string and change the flow of an incident with a handful of words.

Free didn't walk over to him. He closed the door and pulled in the lock, lit every candle one by one illuminating the room in a golden light. He then walked over to the bed grabbed the blanket on the bed and wrapped it around Shu. "I wasn't too late, was I?"

Shu had questions, many of them. But he could only stare as Free's worried eyes swept over him. "You painted your face," Free remarked, trying to break the silence.

Shu nodded, "Yes, it's the custom."

"Was I too late?" He asked again, and Shu shook his head, averting his gaze to his white bedspread.

"No. You were just on time," He whispered, tugging the blanket closer. "I don't understand how, and why?" He paused, "Even if they heard the news, many just assumed I'm skilled and experienced in this field, despite being sixteen."

"It's your mother's job, not yours," Free answered, "And from the way you're shaking and looking absolutely haunted, I'm assuming it's not the case."

Shu gave him a blank stare as Free continued. "I happened to stumble on a conversation between your mother and the consort."

"He's going to talk," Shu buried his head on his knees. "I'm not going to hear the end of it if she gets to know about this."

"You'd rather make love to that man than to face your mother?"

Shu could only avoid his gaze as he questioned. He was not aware of the things she was capable of. He was not aware of the scar over his eyes, the scars on his back. But lords, no. She could kill him rather than force him to bed a man. "No. I'd rather choose her wrath."

"Which you wouldn't have to," Free answered, "He's going to talk with your mother about the amazing night you two spent. He's saving face. And I have dirt on every consort of the court, they wouldn't go against my word."

What he was hearing seemed too good to be true. He shook his head, trying to force himself out of this dream. This doesn't seem possible. How could Free be this kind to him? And why? Why would he go to such lengths as threatening a consort to save him? Nothing added up. "Do you need something warm to drink?" He asked, worried.

Only then did Shu notice he was trembling. He rocked himself back and forth, wanting to wail over the relaxation of escaping something hideous unscathed. He was terrified. Despite how strong he was, against his mother's word, he was a helpless child. He held in the emotions, "Thank you. I don't know how I could repay you, but thank you, your highness."

"You could start by addressing me Free? And Lui helped."

Shu nodded as Free continued. "You could really use something, I guess. Let me-"

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