Chapter 05 - Present

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His fingertips slid across the harp, each string pouring a different note into the room. Shu didn't have to look at the wooden instrument to let the music flow. The tunes were drilled into his memory, long nights before the harp, his mother's demanding gaze upon his skin has assured his skill. The practised precision in which he played, devoid of any emotion, but exquisite all the same.

The girls from their Brothel danced in the middle of the room, facing the long table in which the Royalty sat, enjoying their dinner. Shu heard the occasional laughter of the kings, the tinkling of the cutlery and plates. He ignored the sweet, spicy scent wafting from the table, capturing every occupant in the room, seizing them with an inevitable hunger.

He stared at the floor beside the harp — still tinted in pink — and let his fingers produce the music everyone wanted to listen.

He wanted to leave the room.

The song came to an end. The girls bowed, their lips in pretty smiles as they walked out of the room from a side door. Their fancy gowns catch the subtle breeze from the open windows. Shu waited a second longer as his mother advised before standing. He bowed, turning to make his way out of the room. The rest of the Brothels were waiting outside the room to play their part, entertain and leave. How simple was the life of an entertainer.

He could feel the gaze upon his skin. Specifically his mother's. She was seated at a long table with maidens and other noble women in the right corner of the room. Shu could hear her tinkling laughter as the guards closed the door behind him, suspending any other noise in the room.

He adjusted his hat, the veil ruffling under his effort. He hadn't seen the Princes at the dinner banquet — at least he thought he hadn't seen them. His vision was limited, allowing him no more than a fragment of his surroundings.

Engulfed in his thoughts, he walked down the empty hallway. Most of the servants were in the banquet hall, serving the kings and the rest of the guests. He wanted to find the others from the brothel or maybe he'll just walk to his room.

"Hey, you!"

Shu frowned, looking over his shoulder to see a clique of young men walking over. Their robes the colour of fresh plums, borders embroidered with a rich golden line. Nobles, Shu concluded, his shoulders stiffening despite his attempt to appear normal. "It's really true." One of them leaned over, his hands placed over his hips. Shu took a step back unconsciously.

"Of course it's true. When have I ever lied to you, Alexander?"

The guy named Alexander, took a step back, allowing Shu his personal space. He flicked a blond lock over his forehead, his full lips twisted to a smile. "So, is it true that you are not allowed to take that thing off?"

Shu cautiously nodded, "Yes, my lord."

The brunette standing beside Alexander grinned, "That makes me want to see your face more."

Alexander shrugged, "Human curiosity?"

Goosebumps trekked his arms at the mere thought. Shu pursed his lips together, eyes glancing towards possible exits. But his hands were tied. Nobles were many ranks above his mere rank as an entertainer. When Alexander reached his skin, fingers easing the knot in his hat, Shu stopped him. A hand reflexively meeting Alexander's wrist. The man raised his brow, "Do you dare to go against my word, harlot?"

Ah, a common insult. Shu shook his head, "I'm sorry. But I'm not allowed to-"

The brunette sidestepped, standing behind him. He hooked his arms under Shu's armpits, locking him in place. The albino froze with indecision. If he did much to scratch any of these nobility, he would be held under the tips of their swords. He grunted in pain as the grip tightened. The red-head accompanying them watched with intrigued silence when Alexander's fingers worked on the knot again.

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